Estimated wait: ~27778 minutes

Mine went from 120k down to 631 just now. Seems to get better now. We’ll see…

At some point waas at 104k min now its around 500…

The thing that bothers me is that it also affects classic wow.

I get it, prepatch day is prepatch day but why classic too… :frowning:

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4 minutes, almost there

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Can’t even play call of duty because of a WoW patch…sick, lmao

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I’m in. FINALLY!!


I made it to 0, got kicked out… now at 314 but it was at 10k or something daft before i gave up and went and did something else

Ouch! That sucks.

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I got dced while being 110 in queue… now im at 732 estimated time 1 minute :stuck_out_tongue: yeah sure

What a surprise there is new content and we cannot get in to the game, it does not bode well for Shadowlands. Why does this happen every time?


Whilst checking my emails noticed i dropped from 340 to 140 in like 5 minutes, so maybe they are making progress… then again i wouldnt get my hopes up

I 1st had 30 mins, went correctly to 15 mins, and then it jumped to 35k minutes. Now at 51 minutes.

I’ve been waiting an hour+ :slight_smile:

I like what you did there, encouraging others to give up so your wait time is reduced :wink:

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Waiting for 30 minutes or more with estimated time: >1 minutes.
Great services if you ask me.

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I got kicked out at 0, so fingers crossed for you

It kinda works, at ~22 minutes now!

Those are rookie numbers, mine is 94833 minutes. :muscle:

Just skip battlenet and boot WoW up manually, the queue is far less.

Very rogue like :male_detective: