(EU) English - Burning Blade - Looking for Guild to join

Heya Duelsy!

I think our guild, Ministry of Silly Wipes might be worth a look!
We’re not on Burning Blade, but if you struggle to find a guild on your realm you’re more than welcome to give us a try!
We’re a chill guild, quite a few UK players, as well as from other countries, but all speak English. We’re quite active in Discord and everyone gets on well!

We raid on weekends, and do Mythic+ throughout the week. There are a couple of PvPers that Im sure would be happy for you to join if you ever did want to dip your toes in there =)

Please give my thread a look over, and if you want to have a chat, please do add me!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496

Best wishes!

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