[EU] [H] [Magtheridon] Returning player looking for heroic raiding guild

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this post. I’m a returning player looking for a guild for raiding, pushing mythic keys and overall have a good time with.

I main a Guardian druid, and do have some raiding experience back in legion. the last 2 expansions I didn’t do a lot of raiding because I just didn’t play a lot, however I’m looking to get back into it.
My prefered raiding days are monday, tuesday, wednesday and/or thursday.

If you have any further questions or just wanna have a chat message me:
Discord: nickderoos#8478
Bnet: aegonai#2771

Hope to hear from you!

Hey Aegonai,

I’m afraid I can’t promise a tank-spot for raiding. We request our members to be flexible in the roles they play. For M+ however you should be just fine. Please have a look at our recruitment post, and feel free to add me if you’d like to know more about the guild!

Best regards,

BNET: armandgrtn#2625

Hi there mate, I like your post! Let’s chat? :slight_smile: