[EU Silvermoon] <Second Wind> - Recruiting for season 2

Second Wind is built around being more than just a guild to house a raid team, we focus on the social aspect to the game as well. Over the years our community has grown to contain people interested in almost all aspects of the game so no matter what level you play at and what content you’re interested in you will likely find someone to enjoy that content with. Outside of raiding we have members interested in M+, achi/mount/pet farming, social/alt raids, levelling, and generally just playing the game. So even if you’re not looking for a mythic raid experience don’t be afraid to get in touch and see if we have people that share your interests.

Although our raid teams will progress at different rates there is no main team. Each team has similar expectations in terms of preparation and performance. Unlike many guilds with multiple teams we do it for the increased community and we do not cannibalise one team to serve the needs of another nor do we dump people on a “lesser” team if their class is not flavour of the month. Each team is their own entity with their own leaders and their own goals.

We don’t raid long hours so world rank is not something we strive for, our target is simply to achieve the goals of the team with time left to have a bit of fun between tiers. We have no interest in competing with guilds that raid longer hours.

We are a large guild, constantly flirting with the 1000 members cap. It’s not uncommon to see 100+ members online in the evening or during the weekends. So if you want to be part of a larger community, look no further.

Current Progress
Red Team - 8/8 Mythic
Blue Team - 5/8 Mythic
Purple Team - 7/8 Heroic (then took a break due to several people quitting the game)

Red Team - Wed/Thur/Mon. 20:30 - 23:00 server time.
Goal: Cutting Edge

Red team recruitment: We are currently full but exceptional applicants may be considered.

Blue Team - Wed/Tue. 20:30-23:00 server time.
Goal: Cutting Edge
Extra nights are used as additional progress at the start of every tier.
Blue Team is currently full but exceptional applicants may be considered.

Purple Team - Wed 20:00-23:00 & Sun 20:00-23:00 server time.
Goal: AOTC & social activities.

Purple Team is currently looking for:
1x Ranged DPS
1x Main DPS who wants to flex healer
1x Healer

As Purple team is mainly a social team, we are not looking for specific classes but rather recruiting the person.

What we expect from you

  • Enjoy yourself. We can’t stress this enough, it’s a game. You’re playing it to have fun, as are we.
  • Be on time. Raid invites are up to 15 minutes before start time with the expectation of starting combat at start time, not summoning stragglers.
  • Be prepared.
  • Be able to communicate. We use Discord for comms. A working microphone is not mandatory but being able to hear calls is. All raid comms are in English.
  • Be able to take (and give) feedback in a constructive way.
  • Keep up. If you fall behind on gear don’t just expect others to boost you through unless you show willing to put in effort as well.

What you can expect from us

  • A nice environment. Toxicity is not tolerated.
  • Continuous improvement. Feedback is appreciated and we act on it where appropriate.
  • Guidance when needed. Even if we can’t help directly there is a chance we will know someone who can.
  • A sense of community. Raiding is only a small part of the game, there is a lot to do outside of raids as well.
  • Transparency. Leadership will always strive to make our decisions, and the reasons for them, clear to everyone.
  • A voice. Some decisions that affect the direction of the guild are given to the members to decide by vote.

If you feel like Second Wind could be the place for you then feel free to drop into our discord (https://discord.gg/twcPgdU ) and open a recruitment support ticket to speak to the team.

Weekly recruitment update:

Red Team : Closed

Green Team : 1 mistweaver monk, 2 balance druids, 1 hunter and another ranged DPS. Also 1 DK dps.

Blue Team : 1 shadow priest with healing offspec

Purple Team : 1x warlock, 1x hunter, 1x evoker & 1x any ranged dps

Weekly recruitment update:

Red Team : Closed

Green Team : 1 mistweaver monk, 2 balance druids, 1 hunter and another ranged DPS. Also 1 DK dps.

Blue Team : Recruiting a shadow priest with healer offspec

Purple Team : 1x Warlock + 1x Melee DPS (Any class, slight preference for warrior)

Weekly recruitment update:

Red Team : Closed

Green Team: 2 balance druids, 1 hunter and 1 havoc dh

Blue Team : Recruiting a shadow priest with healer offspec and a mage

Purple Team : 1x Warlock, 1x any ranged dps and 1x melee dps with tanking offspec

Weekly recruitment update:

Red Team : Rogue

Green Team :
Ranged DPS
Any Ranged
Melee DPS
1x Mistweaver

Blue Team is recruiting a mage, warrior, tank (paladin, death knight or demon hunter) and balance druid

Purple Team is recruiting a dps warrior, a warlock and any ranged dps

Post updated for TWW Recruitment.

Following Teams are still looking for new members:

Red Team: 1-2 additional DPS, preferably with a heal OS. Being the right fit for the team is more important than the spec (no more hunters)

Green Team:
Healers: 1 spot open, pref druid, monk or paladin.
DPS: 3 spots available, pref monk, aug evoker & boomkin.

Purple Team:
1x Healer - Priest (Disc or Holy)
4x Ranged DPS (Preference for Warlock, Shadow Priest, Mage), other classes will be considered as well
1x Monk (DPS with healing offspec preferred)
1x Unholy DK (pref with tank OS)

Bump, still looking for more players to join one of our teams.

Bump, updated TWW Recruitment:

Red Team: 1-2 additional DPS, preferably with a heal OS. Being the right fit for the team is more important than the spec (no more hunters)

Green Team: Recruitment closed

Blue Team: currently recruiting Dev or Aug Evoker OR Holy Paladin.

Purple Team:
1x DPS with healing offspec
1x Ranged DPS (Mage or Shadow Priest preferred), other classes with mythic experience will be considered as well
1x Melee DPS (Unholy DK or Rogue)

Social Players are also welcome to join the guild !

Update due to recruitment moving rapidly:

Red team is looking for a healer
Green team recruitment is closed
Blue team is looking for a warrior or havoc DH
Purple Team is still looking for 2 dps

Another update:

Red Team : 1-2 additional DPS, preferably with a heal OS (no more hunters)
Green Team : 1 dps warrior
Blue Team : closed, will consider exceptional applicants
Purple Team : 1 havoc DH & 1 shadow priest (pref. with heal offspec)

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Red/Blue/Purple team recruitment closed.

Green team recruiting : Warrior / Ranged DPS / Aug Evoker / Healer (Monk/Evoker preferred)


Green Team Recruiting : Holy Paladin
Purple Team Recruiting : Healer (Druid or Priest)


Blue Team has reopened recruitment and is looking for a shadow priest and a warlock
Purple team is looking for a healer (disc priest or pres evoker preferred, exceptional players playing another class will be considered as well).

Interested ? Join our discord server at
and make a recruitment ticket


Blue Team looking for 1x Holy Paladin
Purple Team looking for 1x healer (pref disc priest or pres evoker) and a havoc demon hunter


Blue team is looking for 1x Mage, 1 Aug/Dev evoker 1 x Demon Hunter (havoc) and potentially a Balance Druid.

Purple team is looking for :
1x Main DPS who wants to flex healer
1x Main DPS who wants to flex tank
1x Healer


Purple team is looking for some fresh blood to go for AOTC :
1x Main DPS who wants to flex healer
1x Main DPS who wants to flex tank
1x Healer


Blue team recruitment has closed.

Purple Team is currently still looking for:
1x Ranged DPS
1x Main DPS who wants to flex healer
1x Healer