[EU][Tarren Mill]Dh and rogue looking for guild

Hi! I’m a mainly vengeance dh and my friend is an outlaw rogue(h pala alt). We are currently at 5/10 hc and are looking for a curve guild( and mythic after). We are both 209 ilvl 1k rio

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add me on discord Alekker#7538

Would you be open to raiding in the weekend day time as well?
saturday & sunday 11:00 - 14:00.

[H] - Draenor - recruiting for weekend day time raids - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

I see that you are on Draenor, and we are on Tarren Mill tho.

Ok, figured you guys might’ve been open to a server transfer.