Every lobby is a casterlobby why`?

even lobbys below, the upvotes he gets are just another “more melees m,melees together strong”
most “people” agree with casters being op
because most people don’t play casters.
most people play melee, because MELEE IS GENERALLY EASIER. but then they always like to twist it around and get the most unlikely scenario “well, yesterday i was in a mage sp lock lobby as a retri, ww, warr and couldn’t do anything” oh yeah? because thats literally every soloshuffle that i ever queued in, well i mean, before finally stopping queueing completely, now that THANK GOD pvp vault doesn’t exist, im not forced to keep up with capping it, so i can focus more in what i acutally enjoy isntead of that clusterf gamemode of zugzug aoe and broken sheeps.

but then again, i still do the “open forum, check pvp section” and come head to head with the group of melees who still claims, no matter how much they nerf ARCANE mage that they got beateneasily by one and they only see mage, and mage needs to be nerfed, each and every expansion

and then, most mages complain to me asking me how i deal with melees, and im like “easy, i don’t q soloshuffle” id much rather not lose my sanity in triple melee lobbys of infinite counterplays on mage


how much did you pay brother? u got every av ina week from 1550-2400 =)

in cordinated 3s mages especially frost have not that much problems into bm hunters

but in solo shuffle its more of an issue, because your mate often just throw some random aoe and break frost nova on pets, so the pets have 50-70% more uptime on you, than they would have in a 3s cordinated szenario

thanks for the compliment i guess lol

yeah but since the game is called “world of warcraft” and not “bruh just play arena only trust me”
in most cases and specially if u don’t fotm frost because u play what you like and not what blizzard shoves down your throath each season

my argument is way more valid

first of all, arena has been a more and more botched gameplay and its pretty clear that almost nobody nowdays enjoys it, at least thats my take w/e i discuss pvp with arena players
second when they balance the game around 3s, because… i know, it doesn’t look like they do, but they kinda do it… it kinda makes pvp harder in all other aspects of the game

now i know there is not a cool super shiny mount or title for wpvp, duel or bg, but i play those enviroment much more than arena, and i have for the past…always
so w/e ppl complain about the mage class in soloshuffle, not even actual arena, and u see the stats of how many mages actually do play, and u realize most are also fotm rerolled who jumped frost on the hypetrain and left it parked there once they got the desired rating, idk wth people are talking about…
aside from the fact that mage is very much down there in % population, even when u click on it and it tells u “frost fire arcane” u can tell that its basically only frost mages…
so we take 1 aspect in which “frost mage paired with another caster vs 2 melees, possibly retri and ww monk” IS UNBEATABLE

and we have to forsake all other aspects of the game and all others most likely scenarios ? only because most of us play something that is directly or undirectly countered by frost mage ?

u know what ? u can complain FOREVER to remove frostbit, u have my vote anytime on stuff like that, anytime.
actually next patch they are doing smth smart like taking away some finger of frost procs from frozen orb (aka ICE LANCE SPAM EVERY 2-3 SECONDS) and i think this shouldve happened before

along with the Ring of Fire nerf, another thing that i called and im happy its happening

idk why they removing temporal, i guess ill see how that balance itself out with the new pvp talent…

you gotta love all these op casters defending there opness and on top precog


It definitely does, but it should have a 20 second internal CD and shouldn’t be proccable if somebody successfully kicks a spell the same millisecond.

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Got my lock to 1860 two days ago as demo and I stop there. The path from 1500 to 1800 was infested with double warriors or war+Dh or DK , rogues, hunters and retri. Sometimes I met affliction locks and mages and that s all.

I have played aff and SP years back and i must say it did not felt good to be trained by double melee.

Nowadays i play zug zug melees, cuz i thought it will be fitting for my boomer reaction time, yet it somehows feels even worse trying to reach frost magus and his other caster pal, or god forbid his m7+1 rogue kek. Thinking of keybinding trinket on alt+f4.

Why have precog if every cast is 0.8 sec and everyone has 3 spell schools anyway?

Remove precog and have 1 spell school per spec, this is the most broken shi. Kicks need to matter.

Getting kicks baited needs to matter in a game where there are trillions of micro disruptions anyways.

Not every cast is .8 seconds btw…

funny thing is people seem to forget every expac: casters get progressively more broken in later seasons of an expansion so enjoy this first one; it ll get worse


Ret Warr litterly dominated whole Shadowlands?

Shadowlands finals were mostly balanced combs or a melee cleave.

It may used to be like that but that doesn’t have to be like it either.

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Pretty sure SL AWC was just a RMP x Jungle showdown as per usual that eventually evolved into double Outlaw if I remember correctly? Retwar was a good ladder comp due to it’s simplicity (especially for boosting) but still stood no chance vs a 1500 RMP. Rogue Mage variation in SL was probably the most busted it’s ever been.

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Usually yes cause of low haste but normally it shouldn’t increase now since they progressively Nerf secondary Stats every new season.

Anyway a simple fix would be, once you get kicked you are locked on every school and that’s it.

Sure currently mage don’t care with 3 school but as sp I’m the only spec having to afk while kicked since years.


1500cr rmp are so bad, if you lose to that with a comb like ret war, which skillfloor is way lower than rmp.

An rmp sitting on 1.5 is taking 4x longer to set up cc and their cc isnt chained. They arent abusing all dr categories on all players and lack big coordination. Thats why they are at 1.5

ok bro 10char

Literally every sp I see kicked on shadow insta starts casting flash heal like a bot.

Not saying it matters later during damp, but they arent afk…

Yes but you get no value from it, it’s only OK to cast it for the 10%reduc dmg but the healing heal for around 400k while you take 5x this dmg during the cast time.

What I don’t find fair is why one spec should be punished and other don’t?

Make everybody on the same page or nothing.


exactly and boomy and mage are also totally op

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