Blizz tried that in Vanilla/BC, the vast majority of guilds were stuck in Karazhan, being “feeder guilds” for the more advanced guilds (With geared players hopping to other guilds just as they were about to get into tier 5), and hardly anybody ever laid eyes on Illidan, the marquee villain of the expansion…
Making raids only 5% of the players ever see outside of YouTube is bad business.
Deleting these game modes would doom the entire Casual community + people just learning to play WoW. Not an option. If anything a FFXIV-style option where people could attach themselves to these instances + torghast, magetower where people could learn the mechanics would be good.
What kind of stupid reasoning is this, you know what the real problem is, in LFR you have people joining high ilvl gear because then they can show off thats the problem. LFR should be locked over a certain ilvl tbh, it should only be for people who wanna learn. Or they should make it like FF14 with npc.
Man a mythic raider maybe they spend 2 - 3 hours a day a casual on some days 4 to 5 hours simple. Raiders dont play that much or spend that much time in raids tbh.
Not sure why people have a vendetta against LFR and LFD. And please take off your Vanilla rose tinted glasses. Standing in SW and doing “LFM for SM” for 3 hours does not make it more “fun”.
Also, I dont use LFR at all. So I do what any sensible person would do? I just mind my own business and leave that tool at piece for peps who use it. Not actively campaign to remove it.
Whats next then? I don’t like PvP, so we should remove all PvP related activites. Reason? Well I DONT LIKEZ IT!
I think theyd serve better with AI groups (much like ffxiv does), primarily because it allows players to do this content at a pace they desire, rather then this conflict ongoing.
I think people have this magical theory more players will raid if they couldnt do LFR, and that spamming LFM is more social then queuing