Evoker LF Guild DF

Hi there, I would like to start off and say thank you for popping in and having a look around!

I am currently on the look out for a guild for Dragon flight with my old guild deciding to change into a “late night” guild from a “normal” raiding hours guild due to the GM and some of the fellow member suiting their schedule better.

With this I am on the look out for a guild that raids in-between the hours of 20:00-23:00 give or take 30 min each way :slight_smile: Day wise I am not too bothered but ideally not raiding Friday or Saturday but not a deal breaker.

Previous raiding experience is all Heroic, I have dont very little to no Mythic bosses this expansion.
Castle Nathria - Normal, Heroic and Fated.
Sanctum of Domination - Normal, Heroic and Fated.
Sepulcher of the First Ones - Normal, Heroic and Fated.
I am also a convert to Mythic Plus too now with this expansion bringing the Affixes i really did enjoy them once again! Highest Key was a 19 I did this Expansion and got KSM twice would have gotten more but decided to stop playing for a bit, and now im back again with plenty of time to burst into the game I love again!

Class wise I would love to Main Evoker - DPS or Healer, I have played it quite extensively on Beta and had a blast with it now being live loving every moment! I personally would love to Heal this expansion if possible as it is the only role I have never mained and would like to experience it out! I am mainly a Tank player but I am looking for a change.

So for anymore information or a char please leave a message and I will get back to you guys as soon as I can!

Hi Angron,

Maybe Synfull on Dragonblight-EU might be a good fit for you. We are currently sorted on healer and tanks, but are on the lookout for good dps to reinforce our ranks. Please have a look at our recruitment post. If you like what you read, feel free to reach out on battleNet!

Best regards,

BNET: armandgrtn#2625

check us out, if you have any questions or are intrested in joining we are glad to be of assistance.

still looking

We could use an Evoker for DF. Have a look at us: