I’d rather be up their behind than crying like a spoilt child over something as simple as a reputation buff.
They told us the date, not the time, they don’t need to be like “it’s still coming guys dw”.
Lol, can’t believe how childish some people are that they can’t wait 24 hours for a free buff promo haha
I say we will get it in 4 hours, when the next legion invasion spawns
could be a late April fools ? -_-
Actually it would be really appreciated if they were to give us an update. Even if i t is just “We’re working on it, it’ll come before X time” etc. It shows respect to their customers and doesn’t leave them wondering about when.
Dude you need to branch out, is there literally nothing else for you to worry about at the moment?
some people make plans for a day and this just messes it up
Yes it would be nice but they’re probably slightly busy with more important stuff than reminding their community that that buff they said would arrive is still going to arrive.
And then we circle around to the fact that they suck at communication.
They got “Community Managers” for a reason. Part of their job is to communicate with their community which they constantly fail to do.
Now part of the reason is due to their restructuring they did last year where they fired most of their community staff. But it is because they don’t care about the community anymore, and no matter how much they say “We listed, we care” I don’t believe it for a second until they actually change and start communicating again.
still waiting, hopefully it’ll be in 13 minutes BLIZZ
It’s such an inconsequential thing to get mad over though, they’ll communicate if something goes wrong, they don’t need to keep saying every 10 minutes “yes it’s coming today”
Why didn’t they tell us the buff was coming yesterday or the day before? Is that bad communication too or is it unnecessary because it’s just useless info we already know?
Why are people defending such bad communication? It would cost nothing for the reps to say “I need to check with my colleagues in the US for you”. If you were treated like that as a customer anywhere else you’d get very annoyed, but it’s Blizzard so that magically makes it okay?
If I told my customers we’d do something and then ignored them when they asked for clarification, I would be having an uncomfortable discussion with my boss.
Treating customers with respect is easy and costs little.
While they are asleep? The only people that can activate this ‘buff’ are the Devs. A CM or any blue can not tell you anything because they would all need to wait for a Dev during their working hours.
Yes it’s inconvenient that we have to wait until US hours but it’s not the end of the world.
its been the 20th for 18 hours now in EU, 18 hours, not seconds, not minutes, HOURS. so yes im a little annoyed
yea still waiting
You’ve never heard of thinking ahead?
You realize Blizzard is a company based in the US. Like people mentioned earlier, they have to wait till the Developers are at work so they can activate the buff. They’ll activate it globally. Not first in EU and later in NA.
Calm down. It’s just a game… Live a little.
That doesn’t change anything I said.
I totally agree with you, people are making too big of a deal out of this buff