Extensive (but hopefully constructive) Criticism of the Fire Mage Talent Tree

I’d like Rune of power to stay, because it involves pre-planning on how and where to use it.

A lot of the time it’s just used on cooldown, as its a dps loss to hold onto it for the right moment, barring certain enemies that take extra damage after a mechanic like Sludefist in CN or The Curator in Karazhan. In general you’re better off having more uptime by using it on cooldown.

And don’t forget, half of its effect is literally baked into our damage cooldowns, not a great deal of planning reguired.

RoP and IF just need to go, they should give us 10% more damage baseline and come up with something more imaginative, take a couple of the Torghast anima powers and tone them down for regular use.

RoP makes it so that your damage outside of its effect sucks, which is unfortunately, most of the time. IF in theory works, you could hold off firing abilities until it’s at 20%, but because of the way all Mage specs play, holding off an ability is nearly always a dps lost.

So you’d bargain to make all 3 specs a flat damage profile completely reliant on uptime.
No thanks.

There is a compromise way - Blizzard could reduce RoP bonus, increase base damage of Mage abilities and make Rune of Power a choice node with another passive damage increase (but not IF, as it is unstable).
Something like:

  • Rune of Power damage bonus reduced from 40% to 20% in both PVE and PVP.
  • Base damage of Mage abilities increased by 10-15%
  • Rune of Power is a choice node with talent that provides an undispellable buff that increases spell damage done by other 10-15%.

This way, Mages can choose the playstyle they would like more - RoP that would give biggest burst windows compensated by being limited with mobility and fully mobile playstyle compensated by smaller burst windows. Unlike IF, this playstyle would provide stable damage output, so it is both easier to perform and easier for Blizzard to adjust if one of them would outperform the other too much.

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Where did I say that?

I said get rid of IF/RoP and instead give us higher baseline damage and in IF/RoPs place, a choice talent that offers a toned-down anima power effect, something like: -

  • Highly_Polished Handmirror - empowers Mirror Images, allowing them to cast all damage spells the Mage has access to at reduced power. Think Druid’s Convoke but spread across 40 seconds and 3 images so it’s not so bursty.
  • Chaos invitation - every xx seconds your next Blizzard/FS/AE will deal 400% increase damage, Frostbolt/Fireball/Arcane Blast casts reduce the cooldown on this effect by 1 second
  • Dimensional Blade - Blinking through an enemy deals X amount of damage, if this damage kills an enemy, the cooldown of Blink is reset
  • Timeweaver’s needle - every spell cast during Alter Time reduces your cooldowns by x seconds, does not effect Alter Time

Pick two, they’re all more imaginative than flat damage boost for x seconds or an undulating power buff and they all basicaly exist in some form in Torghast.

This is what I mean when I say that the crowd asking to remove rop is totally ignoring the consequences. It would flatten the damage profile completely, leaving us with no burst capability without a major rework, which in turn would be a pretty bad outcome for mages as a whole.

It’s not like removing RoP removes Combustion, AP or IV, you still get to burst but it won’t be so crazy.

We wouldn’t have to deal such terrible damage outside of our cooldowns to make up for how bursty our cooldowns are.

First of all, our damage outside of a major cooldown is nowhere near as bad as some would put it. Fire has skb, Arcane has Touch and frost just keeps up IV 100% of the time.

Historically burst-oriented profiles have proven themselves to be the better pick in any and all PvE environments, and I for one (as do many others) love playing around burst.

Playing a flat damage profile feels greatly unrewarding and gets really stale, really fast (just take a look at current frost).

You can keep RoP for PvE burst np. But it needs 50% nerf in PvP. Its just ridiculous concept for kiting Class to stand still while melee chunks away you shields and HP with permanent 50% snares on.

#remove shifting power

→ Replace it with a spell, that applies winter’s chill, and CCs (Frost Theme, good Gameplay)

#Remove Time Anomaly

→ Turn it into a CDR ability, that skips time (arcane theme, good gameplay)

#Change the Talents on the Fire Side slightly to fit a fire theme instead just being lazily named after conduits

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