<<F A D E>> [A] Silvermoon 2/10 Mythic SoD 2 Day raiding guild

Hunters are always needed Dio ! :wink:

any Locks / Mages/ DKs out there ?! :wink:

Hey There,

Myself (Rogue) and my partner (Monk (Healer) are on the lookout for a guild to join and actually go through the content with a consistent group we can rely on i understand that as i have low ilvl (193) i wouldnt be able to actually jump into Mythic with you guys but would i be able to join with the hopes of going to Mythic with yourselves aka some sort of trial period so you can see if im a good player for example

Yeah ofc you can, and once you reach a somewhat “proper” ilvl you can start participating into HC and Mythic raids to prove your worth ! :slight_smile:

heh sounds good will there be people to run atleast my own keystones with in the meantime im currently pushing my own key currently a +6 if i remember right just looking for a guild that actually works together in some manner :slight_smile:

yup! there are guild groups running keys :slight_smile:

Hey Aranwrath!

I was browsing the forums looking for a guild as I run into F A D E. I used to be in F A D E few years ago, Devgru was my name. I eventually left to join my wife on horde. Great seeing you guys still alive and kicking :slight_smile:

Are you guys looking for anything healer or melee specific? Added you on b.net too.



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