My first character was a Night Elf Priest, because -Tyrande-.
She was sidelined when TBC came out, but I didn’t slack in gold, since the Priestess was based on Azuremyst Isle and I did a lot of Blood Elf Bandit Mask farming.
I agree.
Warcraft 3 the basis for WoW started it.
Night Elves, Humans and Orcs uniting to defeat Archimonde forces, from that point on it was always going back to that formula.
Usually the end Raid boss is always someone everyone unites to defeat at the end of an expansion.
Illidan in TBC;
Arthas in WoTLK:
Deathwing in Cataclysm;
Garrosh Hellscream in MoP;
Archimone (?) in WoD;
The Legion during Legion expansion;
N’Zoth during BFA;
Probably the Jailer in SL;
Does Blizzard prefers players arguing on the Forums instead of having fun and playing their game ?
That’s what I expected to do in BFA: play the game.
For me the Forum was a place where I would come and ask questions or read the latest topics, not a place where I would come and argue with other players.
If I want to fight with other players I would much rather do it on a BG, because I chose that event, not because I have to go through it as part of the story like BFA.
BFA made me hate the entire WoW narrative to the point i didn’t purchased SL.
I would go as far as saying in the next faction conflict I won’t even bother to purchase it or talk about it.
I simply don’t care anymore.
My favorite conflict stories were always the ones around events like WSG.
On one side you have the Orcs needing lumber, on the other you have the NEs defending their territory. You can feel the tensions around that event, but you are never guilt trippped, because you chose red instead of blue.
Final bosses are usually either last minute surprise or teaser for the next expansion. Blizzard only really played it straight with Deathwing the whole way through.
The problem is called alliance bias. Only when the alliance loses something the lore can be good again. Starting with their cities and ending with their leaders. The alliance will fall. This I vow. Lok’tar.
Getting rid of factions made perfect sense after Legion, since the factions cooperated closer than ever together. However, BfA and the actions there drove such a wedge between Horde and Alliance again, that it would now make close to no sense to get rid of them. The only way I see it happening is making each race an individual faction and the player can freely decide which to be “friendly” with, gaining access to specific capitals and outposts as well as cosmetics with them. A bit like a mercenary mode.
I could imagine something like an Anti-Horde faction consisting of the night elves and worgen, a “neutral” faction advocating largely for peace and led by Anduin and Baine, and then a third in form of a warmongering Horde. Alternatively, each race stands as a rep faction for itself.
Although I agree that this is the best outcome after the failures of BfA and SL, do you realize how much work must be done for that? Questchains for you to prove to every race, Balancing things (you get friendly with orcs, you get hated with humans), multiplying the lore for each race, giving gnomes some love, etc.
While it is a thing that can be done with Microsoft money, I don’t think that actual Wow team is able to do that.
Does, it, though? You don’t have to take away the rep they have now, you just need to include tools to change it within new content. First you take away the faction mechanics, then you deliver the story that changes the factions themselves. Over time. In the next Orcs vs Human conflict the Tauren might have a choice to support the Stormwind Juggernaut faction over the Orgrimmar Kneebreaker faction, which will cost him rep with OG and gain him some with SW. And so on. The Tauren doesn’t just walk into SW, he gets an opportunity to earn it. We don’t have to change the existing faction reputation system, we just need to add new content. (Well… we might need to change rep aquisition methods, though, I guess, at least the tabards…)
And we don’t have to add content for all races at once. Just do it over time. You can’t have your Tauren champion waltz into IF before he had an opportunity to prove himself to the dwarves. And the trolls won’t start to hate him before he messes with them. You’re not even bound to the fate of your race, since you are quite clearly special, Highordmawchampionofazeroth. If you stand with the Orcs instead of the Tauren in the Grand Barrens War, your own people might treat you as a traitor, while the Orcs might celebrate to have you as an ally. You can have some interesting dialogue options that acknowledge your special situation, but again, that’s mostly needed for new content, not old one, and doesn’t require much of a rework.
And while it certainly would be nice to give all races equal content… you actually don’t need to do anything close to that. The story of your character just doesn’t have to be the story of your faction or your race, it can just be its own story. The changes in allegiances can reflect that, by giving you some agency on choosing your character’s perspective on it.
Essentially the idea is just to just treat the player races like any other rep faction, though hopefully without much, if any, gameplay relevance beyond the fantasy of it.