Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS

When considering what makes the two different - the big indicator is actually the ears then body. Lore wise they’re really just another faction of night elves, very similar to the Shen’dralar - but basically night elves.

So if night elves are getting slimmer bodies as part of the Highborne customisation::

  1. Their ears must remain night elven
  2. Give them different type of arcane indicators - e.g. glowing hands/feet, the Nelf tattoos instead having an arcane glow.
  3. The chin ornamentation could be an exclusive Nightborne thing - so we arrange an entirely different set and style of ornamention, but with some cross over - they’re night elves afterall.
  4. Faces: Keep the faces different if possible, Night elven new faces especially on the thin model should be very good looking and beautiful, seeing they’re generally much healthier
  5. Facial hair on males, the thin model on night elves should have facial hair options -t his is another big distinction from Nightborne who do not.

Hairstyles and Hair colours can be shared

For Nightborne the following from a poster in another forum.

  • Night elf body size, with Nightborne ears and Nightborne faces (if possible, give em night elf faces if it’s too much work)
  • Eyes colors: Standard silver, vivid purple, light blue, dark blue and amber (they are night elves also healed by the Arcan’dor, the golden eyes of destiny should be avail to some.
  • New skin colors: “black” (very dark grey), “white” (very light grey), and a host of skin tones from the night elf set
  • Faces: Copy/paste the best faces, but change eyes to be more like the NPC’s.
  • More hair colors: light blue, dark blue, pink - all the NElf colours too with the exception of the green range.
  • More hair styles, including options with flowing arcane energy
  • Jewelry: Double the current options, with the second set having the chin plate enabled. Treat the chin plate as a beard for purpose of hiding it under armor.
  • Jewelry Color: Silver, gold, bronze. This setting changes the jewelry, chin plate and some hair styles’ ornaments.
  • More tattoo patterns. these can be shared with the NElf highborne, but there has to be some unique to the Nightborne as the runes could hold special achievement and landmark progression in their unique situation that those outside the shield wouldn’t have.
  • Fixes to Heritage armor: Give us a second skirtless version of the chest. Remove chin plate from armor (it’s now a customization option). Add an alternate hand slot that is gloveless but cover the hands with arcane energy (like some NPCs have). Enable the gold/red version of the armor.
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It has been quite a while since any new features for the Night Elves were datamined, so I played with Photoshop to see what additional colors we could get for their facial markings (obviously on both males of females, although I only edited the females as it was much easier).

The new colors are: pink, blue, light blue, golden, auburn, white, black.

Most of the shapes are either from the current game files or based on them, with the exceptions of the last two (white and black) which were inspired by the minimalist markings Azshara displays in the Warbringers video and the theme of the Night Warrior.

I am obviously assuming that all shapes should be available in every color and separated from skin/hair color, but I don’t think you really need me to create a different preview file for every skin color to show all of the possible variations.

Enjoy! :wink:




Thank you SO much! :yellow_heart:

Would it be too much to ask you to share some more love helping display the example skins listed on post 172?


I like this also

They should have a face paint of stars too. It’s odd one of moon and stars to be absent from the face paint.

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Sadly Night elves didn’t get any Highborne options only feral/Druid options. Such a shame, so much potential could have been. Same goes for Farstrider options for Blood elves. But I guess what’s done is done.


They’ve got some necklaces and stuff that are symbolic of the Highborne.

Their is a silver chain with a dark purple…thing…that dangles down. Plus, black hair which many Highborne in the Azshara Warbringer had.

But the Druidic features were always going to reign supreme, because the Druidic class is iconic with the Night Elves.

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Yeah I know, the only things that say Highborne are the new skin and hair colors and that one pendant. But that’s about it. They could have done so much more. Regal hairstyles like Azshara’s, golden jewelry like hers (honestly it’s a recolor :-/, and keep the pendant purple) tiaras/crowns, make up like hers, maybe long nails for the females, they could have added muscle textures to make them more regal looking and not so athletic. I knew that the Druid stuff will reign supreme but I had hope they’ll balance them for the players who are more into regal things. Sadly I was wrong. Maybe one wish of mine will come true and they’ll at least let Void elves toggle their void form but probably it won’t happen :frowning: I’m not really excited about the new options anymore since well my wishlist won’t happen, but like I said I’m happy for the people who are getting what they hoped and wanted :slight_smile:


As much as I think the new options for night elves look amazing no doubt, as a Highborne myself I’m really feeling left out, a lot. Sure I get to wear that beautiful necklace and some earrings but that’s not enough. I want something special, that screams ancient Highborne.


I quite like the new options, especially the wild ones, but I really hope that’s not the end of it, because we really haven’t had a run of decent highborne options yet.

  1. Need more necklace and headdress options (headdress on males too) that have that look.



  1. Neat hair options also missing

  2. They actually removed the neat groomed beard, rather than added a few of those - those need to come back

  3. Arcane features: The Tattoos could use an arcane variation.

  4. Vines could have a “stars” in hair variation option - like a decoration or glitter

  5. No face alterations occured - smoother younger versions - i woulds say add an age slider

  6. Pose/Expression alteratons - I would say add an expression slider - go from serene - feral (i.e. growl/snarl) - arrogant - the expression will alter the idle pose too,

Also recommend body slider - because in the NElf DH model and Nightborne model, we can have access to a more ripped body and a slimmer one. My recommendation is that males get all 3, females only ripped and normal, they don’t really need to be slim

That’s cos the male physique is very bulky, and highborne types would likely be slimmer.


They could actually do Highborne as another model tab on the Night elf CC. Just like on the worgen one you can select the Worgen tab or human tab to customise either form.

Night Elf Highborne Tab
On the Night Elf you have the Night Elf and Highborne tab.

  • Click the Highborne tab - you get the thin model of the Nightborne but with Night elf ears.
  • You also get it in the night elf skin tones, night elf hair colours, maybe some nightborne hairstyles.
  • You get arcane tattoos, star effects, and instead of vines you get headdresses like these


You do have a body type toggle to go between normal night elf size or the skinnier size also used on the nightborne model.

Void Elf
Similar can be done for void elves. On the void elf CC screen you get Void elf and high elf.

I do not recommend this for farstrider though. Although it could be done there. Instead for Farstriders I recommend:

  • Farstrider Warpaints
  • And simply adding more overgrown beards and hairstyles
  • Adding a scar customisation slider

Lipstick colors for undead women. (Pink, red, nude, Blue, Black)

Green skin for trolls

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just to see forsaken being able to stand straight.

A new idle animation/stance for night elf females to give them a shred of dignity and remove that ridiculous bounce.

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Sounds like a sub-race template as described in Sigfrieda’s thread?

We were discussing Farstriders as a template for the Blood Elves just the other day, too.

In fact, Moira already made a mockup for the Void/High elf thing:

You can check it out here:


Ah yeh, I am fully in support of that. Hope they do it too, it’s a great way of adding more customisation.

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I could probably work on some mockups tomorrow. Will try to!


@Zaxithorne May I ask what happened with this? We’ve seen a lot of changes for the new customisations, but nothing serious for Farstrider Blood elves and Highborne Night elves… did they just ignore all our feedback here?

I’ll be honest, it’s quite dis-heartening and makes me wonder why we even bother. Do they care? Do they listen?

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