Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS

I quite like the new options, especially the wild ones, but I really hope that’s not the end of it, because we really haven’t had a run of decent highborne options yet.

  1. Need more necklace and headdress options (headdress on males too) that have that look.



  1. Neat hair options also missing

  2. They actually removed the neat groomed beard, rather than added a few of those - those need to come back

  3. Arcane features: The Tattoos could use an arcane variation.

  4. Vines could have a “stars” in hair variation option - like a decoration or glitter

  5. No face alterations occured - smoother younger versions - i woulds say add an age slider

  6. Pose/Expression alteratons - I would say add an expression slider - go from serene - feral (i.e. growl/snarl) - arrogant - the expression will alter the idle pose too,

Also recommend body slider - because in the NElf DH model and Nightborne model, we can have access to a more ripped body and a slimmer one. My recommendation is that males get all 3, females only ripped and normal, they don’t really need to be slim

That’s cos the male physique is very bulky, and highborne types would likely be slimmer.