Fated season just lazy content

It’s so simple we should not just accept what has happend before. You cant tell me a $74 billion company can’t make a raid.

4 seasons
4 raids
4 sets of dungeons
4 areas to explore
4 new types of content where they can experiment with ideas, warfronts, expedition, timeless isle loot piñata.

2 boss Mini raids if they are actually want to make the players happy.


Exactly this.
People forget we used to have .3.5 patches and 4 raids at least.
Like something somehow erased their memory and they believe every other xpack cadence and content was as badly managed as SL was.Which was not the case.

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5.4 and 6.2 were long content droughts. What about the rest? Blizzard has shown they can make enough content to last an expansion more than they’ve shown they can’t. I just don’t understand this false dichotomy that the only two options are content drought and fated.

Or fill in the gaps with actual fresh content, not recycled trash that nobody asked for. The tiers don’t need to all happen in the first year, they can be more spread out with minor patches every 3 months or so. This is not an A vs B issue.


what exactly would you like me to tell you for you to be satisfied and end this is meaningless conversation.

do you seriously believe that i would complain if they replaced ‘Fated’ with new content ?
of course i won’t

all i’m doing here is trying to understand and explain the philosophy behind ‘fated’ patches compared to our previous experiences with last patches in this game.

so If Blizzard offered me 2 choices
Fated or a year long patch
i pick fated and so will you.

if you believe that this formula needs changing, then by all means, go ahead and start a petition and send me a link to sign it.

Fresh content requires time to develop.

What you are saying is:

Instead of 3 raids. Do 4 raids. Fair enough.

But the time between the 4rth raid and the new expansion… will STILL be 3 to 4 months longer (at a minimum, cause MoP was 1 year…).

But wait. How about… instead of wating… MORE fresh content.

OK. A 5th raid ! Hurray…

But the time between the 5th raid and the new expansion will STILL be 3 to 4 months longer than usual…

See where im going?

It IS a choice. All the alternatives you mentioned were tried. Again and again. In previous expansions. ALL failed. Some more than others.

INCLUDING spacing the time between content patches (SL ring a bell?)…

Legion did not FAIL…what is that even…jezz…Bfa either…
Only SL with new formula did.
And Legion could ve lasted for at least 3 more month with no issue whatsoever.
So this is a false premise that all have failed.Lol.


I’m sorry for talking to you about the validity of fated patches in a public forum thread concerning the validity of fated patches which you chose to post in. It’s very rude, I know.

Everyone understand the “philosophy” behind them. It’s just obviously not the only option. Obviously fated is preferable to a drought, we were never arguing about that. The issue is that Blizzard went from 4 tiers in a year and a bit to 3 tiers in a year and a half. They’ve effectively reduced the amount of content they put out by 25% and filled in the gap with recycling it, instead of sticking to the same amount of content and spreading it out better.

So once again, clearly fated is not the alternative to drought, and it is lazy content. The fact that Blizzard is giving is this “choice” between the two is precisely the issue.

I never said the expansions failed.

All I said is that “minor content patches” in the last tier of the expansion did.

Im sure Blizz has the participation numbers. But for example, I can see RIGHT NOW a stark difference between early in the season and now.

The amount of keys being posted… not even half of what it used to be 2 months ago.

The amount of Raids being done. Same.

I even tried PvP the other day and had wait times for 2v2 arenas.

And ALL this is because its the end of the season. Everyone has what they want. People dont play anymore.

3 to 4 months more of this and its GQuit until WW. Go play something else.

And I felt the same exact thing in Legion, and in BFA and all other expansions in between.

And I particularelly remember WotlK. Where the first “minor content patch” experiment was done with Ruby Sanctum.

It barely cut it. It was 1 boss that in 2 weeks was being farmed to death. That gave no meaningful upgrade in gear. NOTHING. And that was our “content patch” while we waited 4 more months until Cata.

Nah… I was there. I felt it. Blizzard felt it.

And honestly, if the alternative to fated is what we had before. Then no thanks.

But if you like it, enjoy playing in an empty Valdraken. :slight_smile:

Valdrakan is already empty…especially with this new amazing patch non patch.
I would rather have new content.
Not recycled things.
This is not a gospel,its not either or.
It can be done better,but if you defend this you tell them its ok so they won’t.

We used to have 4-5 raids crammed into the first year of the expansions. Now we have 3 spanning the first year and a half for two expansions in a row. Nobody seems to be having an issue with 6 months long tiers now, so why not spread the 4-5 raids into the two years, and sprinkle in minor content patches and maybe a new dungeon every couple months?

Somehow they managed to do Legion and BfA back to back with both having 4 raids + 1 mini raid. With the current cadence of tiers that would have been more than enough to fill in an expansion. But somehow people find ways to pay the same amount of money for less and be happy about it.


False. Check the graph I showed you.

We used to have 4 raids (not 5) crammed in a 2 year period. With WoD and SL as exceptions.

Now we have 3 raids crammed in a 1.5 year period.

The metric you are looking for is # raids / unit time. Why? Cause 1 raid every 5/6 months is fun. 1 raid every 9/12 months (SL) is NOT fun.

And since DF came in November 28 2022, and we will get (according to them) the new expa in August/september 2024… we are getting really close to the 3 raids / 1.5 years. Which is ~ the same cadence as Legion.

Exactly. Legion and BFA lasted for 2 years and 2 months. 4 raids. DF will last for 1.6 years. 3 raids.

Same cadence.

So if you really want to complain, you can complain the following:

That per dollar spent, you had a better deal back in the day. Since 1 expa is 60E, you used to get 4 raids for 60E now you get 3 for 60E. And THAT is a legit complaint.

So emerald nightmare,nighthold,trial of valor,tomb of sargeras and antorus is how many?
Should I do Bfa too?

Maybe it’s an issue for you,
surely not for me.
I mean of course, i won’t complain if they gave us new stuff, but i won’t lose sleep over it like you.

Personally, i have enough content to keep me busy in this game with or without Fated patches
i farm achievements, collectibles etc. and do older expansions that i skipped

these long patches give me proper time to actually focus on long old grinds that i keep postponing while waiting for times with ‘nothing else to do’

I’m sorry, i don’t really know what exactly you do in this game, or what is ‘CONTENT’ in your book, but judging by your 15k achievements points i believe that you got YEARS worth of content to do and you only just scratched the surface while complaining about drought.


Achievements seem so pointless I don’t know why people do them ? I just get them passively but not going out my way to do any.

speak for yourself
the achievements hunters community on discord is way larger than what you might think.

He means the mini 3 boss raids in Legion and Bfa.

Yes, there was something seriously wrong with SL. We want 6 month seasons/raids. Not 5 months (and not 10 months). That turns into a long 4th season when you want an expansion to last 2 years. Allthough i have to say the last seasons of legion and bfa were the most fun of the expansions.

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You could. But hold on a minute… Its as if you did not play in Legion… Or dont remember.

Patch 7.0 : Emerald Nightmare.
Patch 7.1 : Trial of valor (3 bosses… forgetable raid).
Patch 7.1.5 : (1.5 months after 7.1) Nighthold
Patch 7.2 : Toumb of Sargeras
Patch 7.3 : Antorus

So yeah… you got 1 more 3 boss raid. Per unit time.

What is your point? That a 3 boss raid with out more ilvl increase or anything else would somehow make 4 months of “waiting” worth it?

AAANNNDDD by the way, patch 7.3 of legion lasted for 5 months longer than ANY of the ones previous to us. So a bunch of raids, and we STILL had to wait between 7.3 and WoD.

Because I repeat again and again: Its not HOW MANY raids. Its the fact that whatever they do in ANY expansion… the LAST tier will ALWAYS be longer.

And it makes sense. You had X amount of people working on… Antorus raid and new zone… but now, those people have to go and make a new expansion. A new expansion is much more stuff than 1 patch, so they take longer to make it.

And that is why you always wait MORE than usual on the last patch.

And THAT is what fated is supposed to fix.

So TLDR: You can add as many raids as you want. You can cry for as much “new content” as you want. You will STILL wait 3-4 months in the last patch of the Expansion. Even if you get 10 raids. Does not matter.

I liked Guam…hmmm.
Anyway,Legion and even Bfa had a ton of content compared to SL and Df(not only raids) and if you can’t see that I am sorry there is nothing more I can say to make you understand.

I can perfectly see it. And I agree.

But you have to agree with me that Fated has nothing to do with this.

If BFA had a fated raid, it would simply mean that the last patch that lasted for 273 days (as oposed to 200 days from the other patches) would have lasted 200 days + 73 days of fated. Thats what it would have become.

Because they did it at the end of SL and people decided to give it a chance and take part because we thought it was a one off.

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