Feature: Karma points - Upvote players in pug groups (with a limit per day/run/etc)

With no reputation to maintain wow community became much more toxic. It’d be nice to have a tool that will allow players to “thumbs up” other players for a easy and fun run etc.

We have ignore & report but apart from whispering things like “I never thought I’ll say ‘awesome tank’ and ‘demon hunter’ in one phrase but you are!” there’s nothing else to actually reward a player for making the game much more pleasant!

I’ve researched the possibility of making an addon that’d do it but there’s no way to check if the rating was real or it was used to pump up the reputation score. Sure I can think of some blockchain implementation of a system like that but seems a bit overkill.

Some small cosmetic rewards/achievements would be perfect. ( It should be useless enough so elitists would consider it a waste of time)

But honestly any RIO kind of rating will do - except you shouldn’t be able to “buy” yourself a reputation run :grinning:

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Changed the title to “Karma points”


yeah, like recommend in dota 2.

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Much needed system - I hope this thread will grow and get the devs attention -

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Dumbest thing i read in a while.

  • everyone just votes the highest rating to each other at the end
  • stupid people who think the healer is responsible for their death / or someone didnt trade them the item they needed will just put a 1
  • you will be the first one who will cry because some “elitist” will vote you a 1 because you play like garbage in his eyes
  • not forget 4ppl premade that just troll you with 4x 1 votes or want to blackmail you for loot

Rio is almost perfect and the only reason you can even pug m+.
Also i wonder where you find all these toxic people? Havent met a single toxic person in all my m+ runs even if they werent intime or someone failed.

you know this saying: how you scream into the forest so it comes back at you? maybe you are also unpleasant/toxic so it happens more often?

And last but not least: The same rule applies to you as to everyone else: YOU decide who you invite or whos group you join. If you are unsure about something you can communicate it beforehand and eliminate all possiblity of leavers/toxic behaviour.

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Ever heard of wowprogress? It has a thumbs up feature.
But even then, having an add-on that allows people to either upvote or downvote. Is destined to be abused.
Queueing with friends, are they allowed to upvote/downvote?
Queueing with guildies, are they allowed to upvotes/downvote?
What if someone in the party feels like he is in the right about a discussion in the party, and decided to downvote everyone because they either didn’t agree or corrected him.
It’s basically a worse version of Rio, as it’s more about opinion that fact.
You can do a +13 in time,and people can see it and decide if they want you.
But you can have 20+ downvotes, and they’re all because you tanked and the healer had a hard time keeping you up. So you get the blame and downvotes for it.

I’m not sure you got my point. I’ve suggested to have a system that allow you to praise a player from a group not “and now let’s rate everyone”.

In the games that have a similar system it has limits per day/run etc - so you won’t go spamming it there and back.

Also I mentioned it shouldn’t have any value for players oriented on competitive/hardcore playing.

It’s for those who level up battle pets & alts in mass and run their casual weekly chest at most :grinning:

We exist.
There are skilled players among us.
There are players that had “curve” back in the days.
We just enjoy a bit different kind of game.

You have RIO to find the players that did similar to yours progress and have a smooth silent run.

I enjoy dungeons where people talk. To go average speed and have afks cuz the pizza arrived:scream: Or because a kid needs something. Crazy stuff you know XD

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But what stops you exactly from doing that now? If you like such runs you can always write it into description and will find equal mind people.

Also this feature already exists on wowprogress

I’m not sure what feature of wowprogress you’re referring to.
“Like” on facebook?
We do, but sometimes people join a group with a “nice & slow run” description and still do “gogogo” :thinking:

Well it helps to remind them in whisper again if they are ok with it. I do regulary +10s for my rl mates who are very new to wow and bad. When i invite randoms i always ask them again if they are ok that this will never be intime and we take it slow/cc groups and stuff.

Some leave but most actually stay and dont complain

edit: i know how hard it is to find such runs but i highly doubt such system actually helps.

The main focus of m+ afterall is to push time and get higher keys so the majority has this in mind and this is okay.
It really helps to remind them in whisper and even better to add equally minded people for future.

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I believe it is already in game, called “Fren List” or something like that.

It’s not possible to see how many people befriended a player.
I agree with you in terms of having your own community of like-minded players. But it won’t solve the problem: every once in a while you’ll end up in a pug group anyway.
The intention is to provide an insensitive for players to respect each other.

But your proposed system creates problems where there are none. It punishes new players, it is easy to abuse, it does not say anything relevant about any kind of content. RIO has problems but it actually allows me to play with people who have roughly the same level of game experience as me, which is all I want really.

Ok for a second forget about RIO (that actually nothing more than a world wide DKP with all of its downsides)

Think BC dungeon. New players and alts are playing together. New player makes a mistake. Seasoned player shortly explains mechanics. New player gives a thumbs up. New player learned a bit more - seasoned player got a small reward for that.

Now what happens if a player is being mean/toxic/etc? Someone will report him, someone will ignore - the system doesn’t care for it.

Once a player got some enough “thumbs ups” - he’ll get a title or portrait.

The similar system works fine for pvp with “honor” and player portrait badges.

And it’s very easy to prevent abuse making the “karma” account wide and limiting upvoting so one account can upvote the other given account only once.

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