Feedback: Druids

First, happy to see that you guys are working on cleaning up the class tree. Its bad design is really one of Feral’s major pain points.

I will have to take a closer look and play a bit more with the calculator but a few quick things right away.

  • Matted Fur is still useless, this needs a serious buff.
  • (Cosmetic) Moonkin form being still unaccessible for all but Balance druids still sucks massively. I. want. to. flap.
  • Innervate still meh, make it regenerate mana again and/or move it so it does not block the path to Nature’s Vigil.
  • Symbiotic Relationship is a nice idea but not sure if the 10% of what is by now fairly anemic self healing of Feral is really worth it.
  • Fluid form remains a band-aid put on the self-inflicted wound that is shapeshifting on GCD. It is time to remove it from GCD and find a different way to prevent powershifting.
  • Grevious wounds is a weird talent, just buff the damage of Rip, Rake, Thrash and remove the talent. Seems like a very weird filler.
  • Heart of the Wild is still not worthy of being a capstone and should be radially changed.

…oh, and how is Convoke still not in the class tree?

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