Feedback on Survival Hunter S4 Tier Set: Request for Reversion and Survival Enhancement

I recently tested the tier set for Survival Hunter on the PTR, and unfortunately, the experience was quite disappointing. It struck me as odd because I recall the significant damage output I had back in Season 1. Upon reflection, I remembered that the Season 1 tier set was nerfed in Season 2, presumably to encourage players to switch sets rather than simply buffing the Season 2 set. However, it seems that the Season 1 set was nerfed excessively, rendering it ineffective.

The previous set bonus included a chance for the next Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite to cost 0 focus, which significantly enhanced the gameplay experience. I kindly request that you consider reverting to this original set bonus, as it provided a more enjoyable and balanced gameplay loop.

Furthermore, I’d like to suggest the addition of another survivability passive. For instance, it would be beneficial if, after using Feign Death, hunters would gain a 20% reduction in incoming damage for 5 seconds. This would not only improve survivability but also add depth to the gameplay mechanics.

Thank you for considering these suggestions. As a dedicated fan of the Survival Hunter spec, I believe these changes would greatly enhance the overall experience for players like myself in Season 4.

Below is a summary of the set bonus’s functionality throughout Season 1.

(2) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike / Mongoose Strike, Carve, and Butchery damage increased by 15%.

(4) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, Carve, and Butchery have a 20% chance to make your next Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, Carve, or Butchery cost no Focus and deal 50% increased damage.

Best regards,


Next season’s tier set is boring for sure, and it will force us to take another lame passive talent instead of Fury of the Eagle.
Rest in peace, the most unique (by Blizzard standards) and fun tier set Survival has seen


If the developers don’t adjust Mongoose Bite to have a 20% chance to cost 0 focus, the tier set will be utterly ineffective. It seems my damage output remains the same as season 3 despite a significant item level increase on the PTR. It’s clear the current balance is off; voters might not have realized they were opting for a weakened Season 1 tier set. I advocate for a reconsideration of the vote or an enhancement of the tier set’s effectiveness.


The tier set value is perfectly fine. SV base spec was buffed to compensate for the tier change long ago.

SV performance in S4 is relatively the same as it is now compared to the other specs. No issue here.

This would be wildly overpowered. If anything the game has serious defensive bloat right now, adding more is insane - especially something as clearly absurdly strong like this. Statistically, SV is fine defensively.

I simmed the new set just now and both on single target and Aoe, on a noCD build (s4 no cd is almost exactly the same as the S3 one). With 4 tier pieces at ilvl530, it still does 1.5 k dps less on single target, while on aoe it does 23k(!) less.
I don’t have any mastery on me so that might make it better, but I think either the sims are broken, or the new tier set needs some tuning.

Why did people vote for the S1 tier set anyway? S3 was the best all expansion, I’m slightly mad about that btw.


You couldn’t be more wrong. We will bring s3 to m+ till tww. And to compensate the lack of power in aoe we get nothing in return. Its middle of the pack for single target and the proc not making mongoose bite free makes it boribg. Id rather have it be free and not do 30% more damage.

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The OP never referred to M+, just in content in general. It is silly that the old set is slightly better in keys it seems, but that’s sort of on the community for picking a purely single target set over one with value across all target counts.

Could you please inform yourself. We arent talking about slightly better here. Please stop.

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Tier set is garbage, nuff said.

On Survival Tactics, though (now 90% damage for 3 sec), how about making it a non-pvp talent? Or even revert it to 1.5-2 sec with magic dispel and make it baseline.
I see no issues with that and it helps Hunters survive unavoidable AoE, which is pretty much the only reason I die, and I always die first, in high keys.

Mending Bandage would also be amazing in PvE, though insanely OP, and Survival would see huge player influx because of the many dots that can be dispelled.


I agree 100% with this! :slight_smile: