Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Even PvE servers will bleed players due to natural attrition.

There is now absolutely no reason to roll Alliance when Horde have the best of everything.


I already wrote it in my first post but basically:

It enables getting farmed by horde premades even more and since there are no restrictions horde can abuse it completely and wintrade for even faster geargains.

Alliance had a terrible win rate already before the change (similar honor per hour as the horde despite having instant queues). Now with this change you face way more premades making pvp unplayable without forming your own premade (much harder to do on alliance tbh since most serious pvpers are on the good side that has all the benefits)

Longterm problems:

More and more alliance players will quit or reroll horde or simply stop playing bgs basically pushing your queue problem to the alliance. With enough people rerolling this will also hurt PVE on some realms.

You may have a more fun experience but at what cost? By the time we get WOTLK there may be no noticable alliance population left.

Removing all disadvantages from one side while they can keep all the good stuff is just asking for trouble. You cant have the cake and eat it too while your brother starves to death on the other side of the room (well you now can thanks to blizzard).

Better solutions:

Make basic PvP gear cheaper or increase honor gains. No one wants to farm 200 hours for a pvp set.

Free faction transfers for Horde to Alliance + disable racials in any sort of pvp content.

Or since we play the “The Changing Crusade” and not TBC anymore remove factions and allow grouping with everyone Horde/Alliance crossrealm (region). And give everyone a free race/faction change. All problems solved


So can I get will of the forsaken on my night elf druid if I cry for 2 weeks long ? Dont think you care about the game anyway :smiley:


Super quick queue times. Great change. Best thing you’ve done to date. PvP is now possible. The games are plagued with premades, though. I’ve played 14 EoTS today and met a full 15 man premade in 13/14 games. Unsustainable gameplay.

Horde happy again, Ally continue to suffer. Worst change ever. Half of my guild already unsub. Lets wait for even more Horde dominated realms


Thank you blizz, I am mainly a pvp player and playing the game with 45 min ques as horde was impossible.

I really don’t get salty alliance player arguments, though - bad change because people who picked a different skin in a video game need to suffer or what? :stuck_out_tongue:

My last real life friend i play Wow with subbed back tonight. We played bgs together like old days and it was a blast. Thanks for doing this :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:.
Ps: you should add premade groups of 10 or more into its own que bracket :clap::+1:

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Really good change, very much appreciated i hope this stays so


Horde already have the upper hand in everything on every PvP server bar one in Europe.

There is no longer any reason to roll Alliance and we will bleed players over the course of the expansion to where there is maybe one server with a viable Alliance population left (PvP).

It is what it is, Unsub and take your money elsewhere.

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Cant wait for horde to finally know how it is to play against horde (premades) tho, will be glorious the next few days. Sad that they dont get to experience AV from the Alliance POV that would open some eyes I guess.

Always remember the most true words ever spoken You think you do, but you dont.


On-topic: Welcomed change, now i can keep playing Classic instead of just raidlogging every week


How exactly me or anyone more than 15 years ago deciding to play Horde because we liked the races more is causing problems today, may i ask? If something blame devs for giving alliance every lame race ever: humans, tiny humans, tinier humans, glorified hobos and goats. Even cow-mans have more charisma… The literal only reason to play alliance on vanilla was paladins being so good on PvE content.

The racial discusion is pointless because noone playing on casual level (which btw is like ~90% of the population by definition) should be looking at racials at all.

Thank you for killing the game, now i can finally cancel my sub and stop my addiction. I hope people can enjoy a game where the RP was removed from MMORPG. Goodbye alliance, cya next Classic fresh.


worst decision in 20y. welcome to the Horde Crusade


The very same boost you bought didnt give this away already? Buhu.

How does this affect Alliance in a negative way? The queues are still instant, and if racials didnt matter before (and other things mattered more) why would they now? How has Alliance gameplay changed with this fix?

Guessing you are against PvE servers aswell? Where’s the RP in not killing the enemy in open world? The talk about RP in this matter is grasping for straws. Where was the RP in boosts and e-shop mounts? The RP in Alliance (superior PvE faction) grabbing Warchiefs Blessing?

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You have quite literally failed to read the thread if you are still asking how this negatively affects Alliance.


Hello Blizzard Please open a free or paid change to the Horde> Alliance faction.

The Alliance that already played despite of racials and other things would experience no difference at all. People jumping ships due to where the wind blows is hardly Horde players fault and didnt start with this fix. It allows people to play the game, without the cringy nerd faction-war being a factor. If the community wants to play as 100% Horde then that is what it is. Shouldnt be on the cost of half, or more, of the players not being able to play the game.

“This character in any random game is OP, so let eveybody else have faster matchmaking and call it balance”. How is that a solution to it?

what a massively destructive step to take - and with no prior warning? have you lost you minds? killin alliance pvp in one stroke


Queue went from waiting around 1.5hr hours to 1 minute. Amazing change Blizzard I can actually play the content I want to now! Also nice to see the BG room full of people again, even when their queues are so short.

Big :+1: from me


Horde to Alliance free transfers would have alleviated the problem without condemning Alliance to forever have a sub-par/downright unenjoyable playing experience on every server.