Feedback: Shamans

like dont get me wrong, resto shammy is amazing, but elemental and Enhance are terrible


I just wanted to quote this because I echo the thoughts here. Farseer needs higher procs, but the more difficult issue here is stormbringer. For elemental, it is far too disruptive to the main rotation of the class. It actually seems like more of a hinderance than a help to the spec overall. I’m afraid I don’t know how to fix this, but it needs looking at.

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With respect to surging totem for resto, the healing rain placement is frustrating but I actually love the concept of the talent.

Is there any way we could maybe have it prio the healing rain location into a party or raid member who you have earth shield on.

That way, if you don’t have a earth shield it will still work the way it does now, but it would give you a bit from freedom than just having it cast on a fixed target which wouldn’t feel great (such as the tank).


This alpha/beta cycle certainly has broken a record of all 20 years of ele/shaman attention. LITERALLY 0. wow I though it couldn’t get this low but alas I guess I was wrong

No Changes, No Communication, No Hope?

Hey blizzard ,

I wanted to voice some growing frustrations I’ve been feeling about the state of Elemental Shamans in the current alpha and beta phases. Week after week, it feels like we’re being completely ignored. Despite the countless feedback posts and detailed suggestions we’ve made, there have been ZERO class changes, not even a hint of acknowledgment from the developers. It’s honestly deafening how silent you are.

It’s not just the lack of changes—there are talents that haven’t even been implemented yet. We’re stuck in limbo, unable to properly test and give feedback on these talents because they simply aren’t there. How are we supposed to help shape the future of our class if we can’t even see what it looks like?

And let’s talk about raid buffs. We have none. This puts us at a significant disadvantage compared to other classes. It’s hard to justify bringing an Elemental Shaman to a raid when we don’t offer any unique buffs or utilities that other classes can’t provide. We’re supposed to be masters of the elements, but it feels like we’re just being left out in the cold.

The graphical update to Ascendance is another sore point. The current model is outdated and frankly, embarrassing. Every other class is getting these beautiful, updated visuals and we’re stuck with this clunky, old model. It feels like we’re being left behind in every possible way.

I can’t shake the feeling that this is going to be another Battle for Azeroth launch all over again. Remember how rough it was from release to patch 8.1? I don’t think I can mentally handle a repeat of that. We deserve better.

Blizzard, if you’re listening, please throw us a bone. If you’re cooking up something behind the scenes, let us know! Give us some sign that you’re aware of our issues and are working on solutions. The silence is unbearable and it’s disheartening to feel like our favorite class is being neglected.

— Frustrated Elemental Shaman

Is this thread is really for player to give their feedback about shamans ?
I mean, the heroic talents are currently not fully implemented (so we cant give a real feedback about it), and 2 trees were released 2 weeks before end of alpha, moment where you told that you will not do any changes, without even change anything.

The shaman must first have a rework for the release of BFA 8.0, but you didn’t have time or whatever,
So 8.1, but you don’t do rework in the middle of an expansion,
So 9.0, but actually no, it’s globally the same,
So 10.0 with the new talents trees ? No, nothing really changed, maybe the 2 sub-spec (lightning or fire) are more visible
(just reminder that the expansion was primalist / elements themed)
(And elements are very present on TWW too)

And now ?
Always 0 changes on the shaman class and specs trees who suffer some problems.
And all feedback told that the heroic trees are not better.

So do you really listen and read ?
There is no communication about an eventual change or rework since the beginning of TWW development.
There isn’t even the word “shaman” in the last development patch note.

I thought you learned from your errors commited in SL, I remember a report from Blizzard at GDC saying the players didn’t felt heard, and you wanted to correct this and reconnect with the community.

There is lot of really good feedback here and on the US forum shaman feedback thread. People has done nice and complete testing, detailling each little point and talent, making good suggestions for changes that can make the class enjoyable to play, and the rotation smooth.

Please read them, take some inspiration.
And please, tell us something !
Prove us you have not forgotten the existence of this class.

– Another Frustrated Shaman


As enhancement shaman main in legion and being aware that there are countless addons and auras, I would like to suggest:

An option to display enhancement shaman’s maelstrom weapon points as spheres or bars at our choice.

This is pretty much a summary.
At this point, blizzard is falling back into a cycle of zero communication. We now need to know

  1. if its being looked at
  2. if not, why
  3. Do they understand the problems people have the spec?
  4. What their design philosophy for the spec is.
  5. When will the issues be addressed?

Looks like the resto set bonus that is supposed to improve the effectiveness of tidal waves is only affecting the reduced cast time part for healing wave / chain heal, but is not increasing the bonus crit chance to healing surge.

Hello, just a couple of points from me, tried a bit of elemental shaman with stormbringer hero talents (aoe oriented spec).

Could tempest be given a visual around the character, like arcane barrage for arcane mages, to say it’s up? If I’m focusing on aoe, lightning bolt won’t necessarily be part of the rotation and it’s easy to miss (I know this can easily be done through weak auras or similar add-ons but I’d prefer a base game visual :blush: ). I feel all procs should be like this in the game.

This is something that has actually been on my mind for a few expansions, would it be possible to add an option to make earthquake drop onto your target instead of clicking the area? The change for this by adding the target drop talent on vengeance demon hunter has made that spec a lot more accessible and less frustrating (as when I click on the floor to cast a spell it tends to un-target the enemy, so I have to find them again amongst the 5 or 6 health bars).

Will see if I can test this more, but that’s my 2 words for now. This spec combination is looking like a lot of fun :smiley:

Hi Blizzard,

I’ve been testing the new hero talents on the beta for resto shaman since it came out and I would like to share my feedback on them. I am mostly interested in gameplay rather than current tuning, so keep that in mind.

Overall I really enjoy this tree, it has a nice feel, especially with the season 1 tier set. The ancestors play quite nicely, though in case when we cast a slow spell after Unleash life, it takes a long time (global cd + cast time so 3-4s) before we even finish a spell, so we summon an Ancestor only to see them looking at us doing nothing. I would much prefer for them to cast something so they’re not idle that long. For example if they have not cast a spell last 1.5s they throw a random surge, or lava burst if the last spell we cast was an offensive one. This would also make them feel a lot better when we need to move and can’t cast spells. Their duration is pretty short, so it feels bad to see them do very little.

One think I am missing from the tree is any interaction with Ancestral Guidance. I think this is a great opportunity thematically and gameplay wise, to return some power into this cooldown, which was heavily nerfed before. One really simple change would be in the talent “Offering from Beyond” Currently it reduces cooldown of Riptide by 2s. Riptide has thematicaly nothing in common with ancestors whatsoever, and the cooldown reduction is extremely weak and almost unnoticable. Why not make this talent reduce Ancestral Guidance cooldown by 10s. It makes much more sense, we summon an ancestor, they give us guidance. I think this would be a great change.

I also thought that the capstone Ancestral Swiftness was a big weird, I would much prefer if again it would power up our Ancestral Guidance by summoning Ancestors during that, it would be so cool. After playing with it, it does feel okay, I don’t like switching emergency button (Nature’s Swiftness) into a throughput one, but it doesn’t feel that bad in the end. I still would prefer the AG idea more. It would also be transferable to Elemental tree, if it made Fire/storm Ele summon ancestors, Elemental would get a stronger cd which they lack.

I had high hopes for this tree, when I read about it. And I still think it has a good potential, but the current implementation is not good. The random nature of targeting healing rains feels horrible. I was comparing logs of similar dungeon runs totemic vs. farseer and the totemic healing rain healed a bit less, with much higher uptime, it had much higher overhealing and lower damage (all because of bad targeting). All that while spending a lot more mana. Why does our hero talent tree make our spell worse? It really needs to change. The casts also used Master of the Elements buffs, which feels horrible if you want to use that to buff other spells, it should not interact with our buffs.

But even bigger issue I see in Lively totems. The idea is nice, but the chain heals from it should not use our buffs (high tide, Unleash Life, Master of the Elements), they should send similar chain heals that the Ancestors do. Otherwise this will be too powerful, especially with Totem Coordination. And if you later decide to tune it by sending 50% effective chain heals, then it will eat our buffs for lower value, again terrible scenario. Please change these interactions. Also the power of this talent makes Cloudburst Totem extremely weak in comparison to Healing Stream Totem which has much shorter cooldown. This shouldn’t be the case. The other talents in the tree already seem to favour HST over CBT, but this interaction kills CBT, which feels horrible as it is one ability a lot of players (myself included) enjoy to play around. Otherwise the Totemic talents seem nice, the totem model with the elemental nodes look fun, but currently the tree has serious issues that need fixing in my opinion.


After playing some m+ on the beta the only thing I have to say is:

This is, by far, the WORST iteration of elemental I have ever seen my entire WoW life. Even at +5, mobs one shot or kill me with Astral shift on, while spamm healing my self and my healer focusing on me while the mage, ret, lock and hunter I played with in different dungeons every time had no problems to survive by themselves while keep their nice dps rotation. Even the healer in one of the new dungeons, A-ra or something basically KICKED me after first spider mobs since he couldn’t keep me up. This comes from a 3k io shaman by the way, in case some smart person tries to call “skill issue”.

Both hero trees, spec tree and class tree, beside defensives, SUCK big time. Enough detailed feedback from now on, we already provided a lot.

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Seriously can we have some discussion around Elemental shaman with the dev in charge of the class? The design philosophy is all over the place and various parts of stormbringer completely interfere with the base spec rotations.


AGREE 100%

they need to rework shammy, all these hero talents are terrible !

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I want them to tell us what they want to do with our beloved class !

There is TONS of suggestions, we can do better ones if they communicate the direction.


Ancestral Swiftness doesnt replace Nature’s Swiftness as it says. You can have both at the same time and get 2 instant casts in a row.

(Enhancement shaman)
After having tried pvp with the pvp set equipped, the gameplay still feels slow and rough, it needs shorter cds, a more agile rotation, and an interface that more intuitively shows the maelstrom points it has

Tried Totemic?
Only CD u got is Wolves and a 28sec Sundering if you choose it.

Yes, I tried totemic, and the gameplay feels even slower, stormbringer’s gameplay is a bit more agile than totemic’s, but it’s still missing some good filler ability so as not to feel like you are left with nothing to throw in the middle of the rotation and a good interface option to officially display the maelstrom

I am thrilled that the Elemental Shaman has the Storm specialization, and I believe it is possible to play without casting any Fire spells. However, there are some key points I would like to highlight:

Problems with Tempest:

  • Not very beneficial compared to Lightning Bolt.
  • Tempest has a high cast time that breaks the flow.
  • Does not trigger with mastery.
  • Breaks the Stormkeeper buff.
  • Complicates combos like Frost Shock + Earth Shock to activate Surge of Power and then LB.
  • Risk of losing charges or other effects.

Problems with Fire talents:

  • Some Fire talents are mandatory, creating dissonance.

Improvement proposal:

  • Add a talent in the Stormbringer line to replace Lava Burst with Tempest.
  • Tempest should:
    • Have a default cast time and cooldown.
    • Trigger with Lightning Rod with a 10-20% chance, allowing it to be cast instantly even if on cooldown and critting all creatures with Lightning Rod
      It would be interesting if the Arc Discharge talent were moved to the last talent in the Stormbringer line. You could swap the talents and make Lightning Rod give a chance to trigger it. This way, it would be possible to spam 3 Chain Lightning, making the gameplay more fun and suitable for both single target and AoE.

Thanks again for the fantastic Stormbringer!

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