Feedback: Shamans

How is it that you are fine and happy how enhance is played mr devs? Are you all piano players and can watch the screen and react to mechanics while having 8 button randomly reset and light up as core of your rotation? This just proves none of devs ever played enhance.

How is it doom winds is on GCD with such a low duration + it buff only selected abillities and not flat out dmg increase and extra mechanic like the rest of the specs in game? By this point just remove it!
How come we need to spill all our talent points into lava lash OR stormstrike to make it even do any dmg and be effective (kinda) to press? All tree leans heavily into 1 spell in order to not be a wet noodle.
Why we still dont have healing reduction effect like the rest of melle specs?.
How is it we still dont have any stun on demand abillity? Why we have totem that needs 2 secons to stun a target for 3 secons for people to run away from while warrior can just click stormbolt or paladin a HoJ or monk a aoe stun or dk the simple stun even survival hunter has a simple stun on demand and every spec in game.
Enhance is pure Bloat of piano elementalist spec with flashing disco rng gameplay more rng then roll the bones rogue in legion and you say you are happy how it plays? I am done with enhance there is no reason to play a spec that the devs just laught at your face , no reason to put x2 the performence and use your 3rd eye to see the screen react and do mechanics and 2 eyes on rng entire dps kit resets to do same Dps as a 4 button classes.


These enhance changes are NOT it. Have the devs actually played the spec?


Hi, there,

From what I saw on the beta I found 3 issues

Ancestral guidance behind spirit walker’s is a bit unfair for enhancement

I don’t know if in pvp rsham have a lot of mana issues but in what world water shield has 9 stack and mana gain on refresh is useful in pve? If you take mele in pve, it’s because the tank isn’t doing its job properly and it usually ends in a oneshot.

A lot of the changes revolve around healing surge, which makes healing wave almost useless, but the placement in the talent tree forces us to take it to access siprit link totem. Making it mandatory for access to primordial wave is okay, but not for SLT.

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Love these elemental changes! So happy to see earthen rage back!

This is not a class rework.
All the shamans reject this work, too many flaws. We want more effort in our class.
We have to spent too many talents in single abilities like stromstrike and maelstrom.

1 - We need more talents to be baseline skills learned from lvup. We are a class that learn baseline skills and specs mechanics with talents, other classes have this with LV up system.

2 - talent tree for Enhancement must have more merged talents, we have to waste 6 talents points to be wasted in just Maelstrom to make the baseline mechanic good. Merge this talents pls!

3 - doom Winds needs a cooldown reduction mechanism with wind Fury procs

4 - Allow the combination of dual wind Fury weapon.

5 - Stormblast , Stormflurry, elemental assault, this 3 talents need some merge between them.

6 - focused insight and Stormflurry, needs to switch place.
( Focused insight should even be an enhancement talent in the first place, change it to shaman baseline Tree )

7 - Primordial Wave and ascended should switch place. Along with their respective following talents.


  • 2 handed weapon + 2 handed procs system adjustments and attack speed

  • give dual wind Fury combination possibility

  • Crash Lighting must be baseline skill learned thru LV up

  • New Ascendance skin update

  • PvP skill Burrow changed to Shaman Baseline defensive Skill

  • Deeply Rooted Elements Talent - should be changed from 7% on each Storm Strike to 4% for each maelstrom consumed with a CD on it’s effect. Can be extended by an extra “x” sec for each maelstrom consumed while Transformed.

  • Hailstorm - Change AoE target limit from 5 maximum targets to 5targets + 1 extra target for each Maelstrom consumed

  • Ice Strike - change from skill on use to passive.
    Ice Strike passive - if 5 or more Maelstrom Stacks are consumed on a DMG ability, your next Storm Strike / Lava Lash will apply Ice Strike on your target “Charging your 2hweapon/main weapon with ice, dealing moderate Frost damage based on the Maelstrom consumed. The damage of your next Frost Shock skill is increased by 15% for each Maelstrom Consumed”

  • Elemental Weapons Talent effect change to - Your Flame Tongue and Wind Fury imbue effects on 1handed weapons effect are Double and increase your Frost Fire and Nature damage by 5%.

    • Your Flame Tongue imbue weapon damage effect on 2handed weapons is double.
    • Your Wind Fury weapon imbue effect on 2handed weapon has 40% chance to occur .

Dude you dont get paid by bliz. They have enough feedback to fix everything we want. They just dont want to. They are “pleased”.


Stormbringer feedback:

I hate the fact that Lightning Bolt changes into Tempest. It absolutely kills that talent that you get Stormkeeper proc every 50 sec.

The talent would give you extra damage while moving but now you are punished when you proc Tempest as you have to stop - cast tempest and then use proc. You have to do it within the buff time or your proc is wasted. It would be the same story if it replaced Chain Lightning. Unless Tempest can be used with Stormkeeper or it’s a separate spell that only activates after spending 400 maelstrom the game punishes you for procing it.

Same thing about Enha. You cannot spend Maelstrom for Lightning Bolt unless you stand and hard cast Tempest. Tempest sometimes is not a reward but a punishment. I’d prefer it to be a separate button instead of being punished to stand in one place and hardcast.

Now the best part. Tempest deals less damage than Lightning Bolt. Imo the way to go will be to put /cancelaura Tempest macro on basic rotation not to get the buff…

I understand that you forgot about DK…


I would like to see a way to spread Flame Shock on more regular and ideally passive basis.

Chain lightning should replace lightning bolt (balance numbers etc), its button bloat for the sake of button bloat and removal of lightning bolt would make space for something more interesting, or even nothing at all!

Water shield now has charges? Why? Earth shield is annoying enough with constant random dropping when entering instances, constant rebuffing of shields and weapon imbues is annoying already.

That Enhancer changes are crazy i hope you will change more that is just stupid.

And thank you from grab Windfury totem away now we dont need enhancer in raids anymore gj yeah very good job

not sure if you read any of the feedbacks in the US or EU Forum.

Always had the idea that blizzard either hates enhancement or is completely lost on what to do with the spec. This “update” just confirms it


As a resto shaman, im overall pleased with this update, but I would like that Wellspring gets fixed/buffed and also not a choice node with DRE. It was my favorite spell as a resto shaman in raids, but the last 6 years it’s been nothing but useless. and now Ascendance is getting buffed which also buffs DRE. so pls move DRE position like the other shaman trees to be a capstone on the Ascendance path or something. and Fix my Wellspring :frowning:


You’re still not listening to feedback and the player base. at least for enhancement.

And watching it only from Raid perspective doesn’t make things better.
In Mythic+ Dungeons you can’t compete with all the other classes. They’re doing uncapped AoE, bringing other benefits or have better defensives. i have to play with a tank trinket - otherwise i won’t be able to stay alive in keys above 15 (and i am not able to join above 15 cause no one wants a weak shaman in his group!)

We’re having a really big issue with button bloat while there are a lot of classes out there doing insane AoE damage with 2-3 buttons.

I don’t know why you (Blizz Devs) are ignoring this details, but this can’t be the solution for a problem lasting multiple seasons. There is no reason for any Mythic+ group out there to take an enhancement shaman. With bringing the Raidbuff to ALL Shaman classes, ppl. will go for resto shaman or elemental, but avoid enhancement cause he won’t bring that AoE Damage.


earthquake is the bloat button not chain lightning, earthquake is just irritating as tanks keep moving stuff out of it, and its clunky to place

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Initial reaction to these changes.

Skyfury - A raid buff! THANK YOU! Though I have some queries.

  • Mastery rating has wildly different effects for each specs % of mastery gained so I’m not sure how this 2% will work from spec to spec. Surely 2% crit rating would have been a better and more simple option?
  • Windfury component only effects melee which feels out of place for Ele/Resto.
    Perhaps a 10% chance for all abilities to do an additional X% damage as nature damage (with an internal CD to balance high apm specs)
  • Totem would have been more thematic though I understand the constraints compared to a simple casted buff that lasts an hour.

New Talent: Seasoned Winds - Didn’t get much use in PvP let alone PvE. I get it’s flavour but feels very niche to actually get much value or use.

New Talent: Traveling Storms - Great addition but poorly implemented on the talent tree currently. It should be it’s own node and a choice node should be made between thunderstorm and thundershock. Being able to cast thundershock on your tank in a dungeon would be incredible as a resto/ele sham.

New Talent: Stone Bulwark Totem - Cool, thematic and much needed defensive addition, though I’m worried an absorb is going to fall short compared to a simple DR. A second charge of Astral shift would have been nice or I like the idea of an ‘Empower Shield’ ability that gives earth shield a small DR for a short duration on a mid CD and other effects for Lightning Shield and Water Shield.

Ascendance - I have some major issues with this CD as it seems to be staying as it is for now? Personally I think it should be scrapped entirely unless you can come up with a new function for Ele and of course, a new model that isn’t 13 years old!
All 3 specs already have a few major CD’s so I don’t see why Ascendance can’t be baked into existing ones to remove the bloat. I suggested a ‘Summon elemental’ ability for all 3 specs in anther thread but on second thought enhance will feel very much like a pet class so I’m altering it slightly -

Elemental -

  • Fire Ele - Increases all fire damage by X% and causes Flame shock to tick 100% faster

Enhance -

  • Doom Winds - Add the effects of Ascendance

Resto -

  • Summon Water Elemental - Summons a water elemental for X secs which duplicates all of your healing to allies (Essentially Ascendance but more thematic and without the awful model)

Primal Elementalist could be moved as a capstone in the class tree to benefit Resto (Water/Earth) and Enha (Earth) too?

Deeply Rooted Elements should be available for all 3 specs granting a chance to activate Doom Winds or summon your elemental for 6 secs.

Elemental changes -
Very positive for the most part but still some concerns:

  • Flame shock still has a CD and is a pain to spread. This has felt horrible FOREVER.
  • Lava Burst still doesn’t scale with crit outside of Ascendance making crit feel bad.
  • Lava burst spam is still an issue with Primordial wave and current Ascendance version. It’s a filler spell remember.

Something I’d love to see is Chain Harvest return as ‘Chain of Elements’ - This would be so much better than Primordial wave for all 3 specs imo. 1 min Burst CD that heals, does damage and applies Riptide/FS to all targets hit. No brainer.

Final hot take: If the Earthquake choice node works well and is popular I think it would be cool if Ele Blast became the default spender at the top of the tree and Earth shock became the AoE spender. Earth shock does a small amount of damage to the primary target and triggers an earthquake under their feet for 6 seconds. Also buff it’s radius a little please.

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This has to be a joke right?
This is a joke and you are releasing the real notes tonight.
Please take this statement back.


They don’t know what to do.

they dont need to know what yo do, thats why there is a large feedback thread with many suggestion, from small scale to large scale to new spells etc.
not even bugs or crap interactions have been fixed

Updated some points with the latest build

Ok I tried playing around with the tree directly on Beta, and here’s a list of just some of the problems:

Lost almost half of Healing Stream totem in favor of… random 6% Fire, Frost, and Nature damage reduction, which is a huge nerf
Lost Lightning Shield maelstrom generation utility and damage (was rather important in pvp and solo content) and some Earth Shield healing in favor of 25% better healing surge on self…
Lost 5% ghost wolf speed and a conditional 8% movement speed boost
Lost 4% all magic damage reduction
Lost 2% Leech and 2% AOE damage reduction
Lost 2% crit chance with nature spells
Lost 3 seconds cooldown on ALL totems
you know what, screw it, lost an annoying high maintenance but high uptime 10% physical damage reduction for the party

Gained 14% 27% max hp heal once when you’re already almost dead
Gained absorb totem, which is the first actually nice thing, however looking at the numbers… it’s useless so far numbers were upgraded/updated, it’s ok, but it’s still gimmicky, especially for a TWO minute cooldown. Also considering each tick only updates the buff, doesn’t stack. So it’s a delayed absorb? Pretty weird stuff. Oh and as usual, in pvp, it’ll just be broken, good luck getting any use of it. ironically less effective than tooltip says, a little bit, but still ironic
Gained… 20% 15% weapon imbue effects? It does absolutely nothing for Flametongue that’s for sure, since that one already does less than negligible damage, not sure what exactly it does for windfury, since it’s not properly implemented it increases windfury damage. Basic, somewhat useful, albeit conditional and just for storm build, but doesn’t sound super impressive so far. And let’s not even talk about the part where it prevents the use of now-returning weapon oils
Gained 10% slow on frost shock…
Gained actual points to take other things, which in my case is Earth Elemental, which is still a terrible “defensive” and in M+, unless tank dies, only makes it worse. Oh and random 5% damage reduction while it’s active, for a minute (if it survives) with 5 minute cooldown
Gained Seasoned Winds which frankly, is so niche and stupid, there’s a reason it was a PVP talent, it has no place here, it’s just useless in most situations the more I think about seasoned winds the more I hate it. That’s not a defensive, that’s just bait

No improvements to Astral Shift, defensives still suck, and in fact nerfed by the above mentioned things potentially buffed a tiny bit, but FAR from enough. The capstones are the WORST options of any class in existence, literally not a single one of them is worth the investment, the new absorb shield is BARELY worth it potentially nice.

Now onto the spec tree

… not a single change to my storm build.
There is a change now. They made it worse. Now I need to use 1 extra talent for Flurry… jesus christ. So, Enho tree just nerfed for no reason. And apparently, 25% damage nerf to Chain Lightning too

Which is a net negative, because Elemental Blast nerfed, so even less reasons to go for that useless button bloat now. Still general button bloat worse than most specs in the game. Doomwinds, an important 8 second duration cooldown where every single action matters, still on GCD. Tons of useless 2 points talents that just consume points. The playstyle IS ok, but ineffective, still capped at soft (and sometimes hard) cap of 6 targets in most aoe situations, etc. Enhancement just needs some sort of buff a REAL bloody buff if you aren’t going to improve the tree, because as it stands now, it’s a REALLY bad spot to be in. Oh and if anyone was actually ever interested in Windfury Totem, now you don’t even need enhancement. So, it’s a pure net negative for this spec. Still brings nothing useful to a raid. M+ is a little better, but it still sucks. Delayed stun totem with only 3 second stun and manual aim sucks too.

Defensives actually nerfed instead of being buffed Defensives potentially MILDLY buffed, self-healing nerfed, lost a lot of base power they returned the lost values to the talents, gained some potential utility (which is still worse than anything any other class can offer), and enhancement tree got absolutely nothing decimated. Long story short, this is a pure nerf, that’s the rework. Class tree is actually moderately better now, just a little, but it doesn’t compensate the kick in the balls Enhancement received in general. Disgusting.

P.S. Give tank shaman.
P.P.S. Still give tank shaman.


Thanks for trying and we still value your feedback…
But… We are pleased with current things…
Its our pleasure for us if you are not pleased.
Keep us informed for the next rework!!