Feedback: weekly reminder on the state of hunter pets and runes

Melee hunter has always been terrible in PvP. Too easy to kite (even if you can still attack from a distance) and no gap closer.

I don’t think the devs care much about it tbf.

I will tell you what is even worst as an MM hunter . The zone between 5 and 8 yards where your damaging abilities are non existent. You have a gap that other classes will exploit. Only scatter shot covers that and traps. But people have trinkets and with are soft cc-s noone will bother for the scatter and frost trap will be trinketed or avoided any other way if you land it in a first place and all in all it will come to that again people standing in that sweet zone and lifedrain you , cast on you , heal themselfs.
I also lack mobility and when i try to go in ppl go out, when i try going out they go in.
Like a monkey in a circus .
At least you know you are melee and cant reach. But what am i ? Target is not close enough for me to reach and not far enough away to shoot. Pure madness beyond logic.

Such a nice tread for pets , i am supporting . Add a chewing legs hyena somewhere
next time :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I understand your point. However, ranged hunter is quite good in PvP right now and deadzoning them is one of the few ways to counter it for some classes.

Is it perfect PvP balance? No, but when we think about the “intended” main mode of PvP that is BGs, ranged hunters are, imho, doing well. Stuff like Scatter Shot and traps helps ton.

Of course, that may not save you from a rogue who just has to stun you for 10s to kill you by just pressing Mutilate, and they can also reset the fight with Blind. There’s some “counter” to it like using a Restorative Potion but if you don’t have it or you need to use a health potion to live…

I would say ranged BM hunter has it worse than a ranged hunter with MM/SV talents because while BW is very strong against casters, that’s all they have and pets are easily killed in many PvP scenarios.

It’s frustrating but it’s also a rock-paper-scissor situation. Perfect PvP balance (or something resembling it) won’t be a thing for SoD, unfortunately.

Hunter is good in Pve and in Bgs when he is protected by someone but 1 on 1 i cant 2 shot. I cant do dmg through scatter or it is a waste of a scatter and noone really cares
about 4 sec scatter. I have a trap and you have trinket. You also have charge , i may not have even 1 shot on you. And if you have a res gear even god cant save me.
i dont want to create any more flood about it, let the ppl test it .
Sorry for hijacking the topic.