Feral Beta Thoughts

They really gotta rework the class tree totally.
Remove dead talents.
Remove spec specific spells from the tree, make stuff more baseline.

How would we do this? Spec masteries

Cat Mastery - gives you Rake, Rip, Increased movement Speed,
Bear Mastery - gives you Frenzied, Iron Fur, Thrash,
Moonkin Mastery - gives you Starfire, Sunfire, Starsurge
Tree Mastery - gives you Rejuv, Remove Corruption, Wild Growth

Now if Feral needs to go down the resto / bala route to get something he doesnt need to take 3-4 talents that give him spells that he will actually NEVER use. It’s not that these talents are low value, they are NO VALUE. Now we have space to add new talents, stuff that matters, not just some fillers.

Rework the tree structure - we got rid of some of the useless talents above, so now we don’t need to focus so much on specs and we have some more freedom. We could move something from spec trees to class tree - for example Convoke, Incarn, Swarm. Make the middle of our tree our Incarn + point to reduce the CD to 2mins. Move Fluid Form also more to the middle cause it’s amazing QoL in PvP and PvE and it synergizes with Druid of the Claw, but for some reason it’s locked behind more dead talents for Feral / Bear…

Moving some Incarn / Swarm / Convoke talents to the class tree now gives us a few more talents in the spec trees. If we now reduce the amount of talents you need for the rest of Berserk perks to like 1-2, we get another free 1 point and space in all spec trees to add something new.

Blizzard is reducing the power of Incarn so maybe now we can have Incarn + Convoke and not have it a choice node? If needed maybe slightly nerf Convoke? Would be nice to have a 1min smaller CD + a big 2min CD.

Please some survivability buffs also please!


Feral beta thought?
-Thoughts and prayers, fello druid.


in pvp the same, it´s as bad as retail, gameplay/dmg wise

still have to spam clone to do dmg

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Eh… I can’t enjoy feral anymore with current beta iteration. the goal to slow down the gameplay was achieved, but it results in an extremely boring gameplay loop, where we just dot and bite, bite, bite. Single target is okayish, I had fun on raid testing, but M+ are unenjoyable, especially with melee range nerf - we need to more often stay out of range due to how encounters are designed which obviously sucks cause dots are ticking and we need to get combo points for our bite to deal damage. removal of Tear Open Wounds feels really bad and despite testing multiple builds, I’m scared for feral…

Dude what can we PvP players say ?
at least you guys play your Walmart comercial script and thats it.

I’m surprisingly happy about the ToW / Energy changes, I like how methodical the spec feels compared to DF. Wildstalker has been much more enjoyable than I thought, I think because DoT based builds have a much higher skill ceiling due to lower Tiger’s Fury uptime and less energy, so Wildstalker doesn’t overcomplicate anything. Just annoying to find Vine targets in big pulls!

Agreed that Predatory Swiftness needs to be moved into Class or easier to pick up in spec.

I hope they do one more pass to Druid of the Claw. You don’t end up Bearweaving with Wildpower Surge at all (horrendously undertuned) and it’s very RNG-heavy, tuning-wise only feels playable in M+.

Feral doesnt nees to get harder.
Others classes do.
So idk how that can be a good thing.


even in m+ it´s trash compared to wildstalker, they have to buff the druid of the claw bleed dmg, or proc rate from bite

I wudnt mind the slow Energy build-up if Primal Wrath or Bite felt like you actually ate a chunk out of your target, but its more akin to a wet noodle striking a metal post.

Pathetic atm.

FB does good damage, and primal wrath main goal is to apply rip the direct damage is a bonus

I think a good change would be to make TE 1 point and make it 30/12% - a little more regen will go a long way to help the class, but not making it like current DF level (which I love btw). I feel like I am forced to take 2 TE points currently due to the low stat scaling early in the expansion.

Otherwise Wildstalker is surprisingly fun in m+ running AS.

They need to give Feral a talent, that gives energy from bleed procs. And suddenly it all picks up speed.

Is there any improvement? or devs don’t care about this?

Clearly dont give a hoot.

Never have. Since HFC we’ve been downgraded to garbage aside from a few lucky interactions with certain spells and bosses.

Hire some god damn people who can design the game. I dont get how it can be a problem EVERY EXPANSION with the SAME CLASSES.

Idiots at the wheel.

Actually sad, that the dont care about feral druids… I wished they would kick the class designers and get new ones, bc clearly the current one dont do their job, feral is slacking since a long time…

Make feral great again please !

I really hope blizzard gives some attention to this

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