Ferals in Shadowlands

A few issues I can see currently include:

  • New bloodtalons doesn’t affect bite, and rip will be snapshotted with sabertooth so it’s only effectively useful once at the start of the fight
  • Barkskin is a nerf from 2 stacks Survival Instincts
  • New Bloodtalons requires you to use single target abilities to proc it in an AoE scenario for Primal Wrath

There are many long time dedicated Feral players who have ideas for the spec, and can see issues as they arrive since they’re so in tune with our rotation and spec in general.

If anyone wants to reach out to me or anyone from the Dreamgrove druid discord group feel free, and you can always whisper me in game.


What good does damage do for you if the gameplay sucks tho? Yes i know being bottom meme spec sucks, but that is easier fixed than a trash rotation. Alpha just isnt meant for balance, thats just how it works, and i know we have been let down before. But again, if i can play feral with 1 finger i dont care about the numbers being big. I want engaging gameplay not what we got in bfa.

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I agree, however I consider BFA feral rotation to be somewhat engaging , compared to the 2button mele classes.
The issue for me is, effort vs reward in a competitive environment.
Current alfa testing is at lvl50-53, that’s pre-patch numbers and gameplay, lvl60 will probably be completely different, and if they start working on classes from the feedback given at lvl50, it’s going to be a poo-storm come 60.
From all the mele classes and range classes I played during BFA (8) , feral has the most buttons they actively use in a pve/p rotation, and has the biggest window to screw your rotation and damage, yet the damage is just not there.
Another class I can think of that has the same issue is affliction, yet they don’t seem to have the same damage problems.
So, instead of making huge changes, as the current feral gameplay is somewhat interesting and has a required somewhat advanced understanding of cooldown stacking and snap shooting, make the class mechanics build on bleeds, not refresh them. Something like how Mongoose bite works for survival hunts.
Make your bleeds scale up within the window of the bleed, and make us play around achieving a theoretical huge bleed.
Also, feral AoE is unfix-able, they tried, they added new spells, buffed old spells, it just does not work. Make it work like fire mage ignite spread or something.
Just do something with the class, it’s been 2 expansions Blizzard.

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If you like current feral gameplay, then we wont find common ground. Its simply NOT about cds and snapshots anymore. Our cd is a joke, and snapshotting isnt half as impactful as it used to be. The only way to do competitive dmg atm is to take the most iconic ability the spec has from its rotation. If big bites is all you want, essentially making you a sub rogue in a fursuit, you will be fine in shadowlands so far. Bites big, bleeds trash, brain off.

And feral aoe dmg is pretty strong atm too. And with primal wrath uncapped it will probably be good in SL. Aswell.

Id much rather take your idea of a big bleed then settle for what we have today with utility nerfs.

I don’t see why that is the case. I assume the flat 5% damage increase on magical (DH) or physical damage (monk) is much better than 5% crit but there is still many groups running without DH or monk. Furthermore, should LotP at 5% turn out too strong, just change the number to 3%. Or let it give crit rating instead of a flat percentage. This is a matter of tuning and shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out.

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Imo, LotP is a boring way of increasing Feral viability. Making Typhoon and Innervate baseline would be much more fun.

Regardless, all of them should really be returned, including LotP, because Feral is underperforming so, so, so hard, and has been for so, so, so long that we really deserve to have ample utility that makes sure that we actually do get brought to content and that we’re not the laughing stock of the entire community. LotP can be tuned to not make it ridiculous, but a guaranteed spot in raids is not a bad thing for Ferals.

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Problem with strong bleeds is that feral only is good in m+ when he is not playing in an overequipped group or only in a high key.

in the current PuG World its the death of the feral.


I dont consider that a huge problem. With strong bleeds mobs really only have to live longer than 10 seconds roughly to make PW hit hard. And mobs certainly live 10seconds in any decent keylevel. Im fine with having a strength and weekness either way… id give up burst dmg for stronger bleeds for sure, its just was feral should be all about. All thats missing then is sabertooth to be yeeted and SL feral is already 10times more engaging to play.

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