Find it mildly amusing

That Jaina puts herself on a high horse over Sylvanas when she literally was whispering into Varians ear like Grima Wormtongue in MOP.

Terrible characters, terrible writing, at least as Arthas begged, this car crash expac is finally over


yeah lets make 17 more threads about the same topic


Ait Pinocchio

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Yeah Jaina is a proper annoying char, probably the most annoying.

Thought the same. Ever since MoP I really didn’t like her character. Then, in BfA, I started to like her again and here Blizz made me dislike her once more >.<

They need to make new characters in a nutshell, I’m so tired of seeing the avengers appear when problems arise.

What’s the point of armies when you can just have 12 significant lore characters boss their way through anything. It’s stupid and contrived.

I don’t think Daelin Proudmoore was venerated cuz he could do triple backflips and summon huge whirlpools. He was a strategist.

It’s insulting how there are people hired to write this garbage, AD has a much better selection of writers in comparison to what currently resides at Blizz


Agreed, less super hero avengers cast of lore chars n more legitimate strategy n generals/admirals ect officers n such, with the player char doing their bit, n let some of the other introduced char get main spots in things, it’d actually build them, having the same people over the last 15 years or so being centre stage is abit dead.


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Arthas did a lot of wrong in sequence but we can never judge anyone because all of history’s monsters with entire kingdoms and species on their conscience, of which they have none, can ultimaely be revealed as mindless puppets of some greater evil.

There was a man called Admiral Taylor…

Blizzard tries to forgive so many evil guys that you realistically wonder WTF is going on with them.

Grommash? Eh, he killed some demons. That means his two wars and twice attempted world domination is ok now. After all, Draenor is FREE!

Illidan? Yeah he enslaved a lot of people, tried to blow up a continent, ruled as a tyrant over a broken world, actively drained the life of his troops. But he cared loads about Tyrande, kind of. That means he’s alright now.

Sylvanas? Poor girl, she is the victim in all of this. Screw the night elves, screw the forsaken that were deceived and killed, screw the Horde that was strumentalized. Screw the countless people she murdered.

At least they didn’t redeem Arthas. They just said “oh the actions of the Lord of the Dead were morally grey”.
Not really but with Blizz’s track record…


Only mistake Arthas made was not punishing Uther for his insubordination there and then on the spot at Stratholme :smirk:

I imagine he was Blizzard’s Stalin

Grommash gets away with it through the rule of cool, he was a cool Orc who had big arms and could wreck greater demons, we all know Grom would get any Orc outside possibly Broxigar and stick them in a headlock/wedgie combo.

It gets to that point you genuinely fear your favourite lore characters being focused by Blizzard.


TBF if Varian had taken up on Jaina’s suggestion and dismantled the Horde back then; Teldrassil would still be around, Sylvanas would probably be dead (as she was in the same room), there’d be no super secret evil Jailor plot, and Azeroth would be a far better place for it.

#jainadidnothingwrong #daelinwasright

Edit: I imagine “dismantling the Horde” wouldn’t involve the wholescale slaughter of their people, but rather the individual nations within it being forced to go their seperate ways. Probably for the best considering the unified Horde army has a tendancy to become tools for the big baddies.

Don’t you see everything has to happen exactly as ordained? If anything changes, circumstances dictate a worse outcome where Zovaal chooses Thrall as his champion or something and our victory at Zereth Mortis is averted. We have to follow the One True Timeline or otherwise correct it when derailed as big D Destiny dictates.

But free will and mortal agency is still the ultimate good, somehow.

My braaain…

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Lol dont, it legit is like that 100%, I had mixed feelings regarding Blizz going near Arthas for SL, had my own ideas as we often all do, but didnt really trust the current team to touch Arthas

Lol at this point that seems the better alternative 100%

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This right here.

I remember a few years back I had a handful of characters that I actually enjoyed and were excited for. Now the progress of lore is kinda meh.

So! In an heroic attempt to revitalise the love for characters, does anyone hold any characters dear these days? An unsong hero perhaps? A diamond in the rough? I desperately want to discover someone new!