Find it mildly amusing

I still like Muradin Bronzebeard because he wasnt touched yet. The only character that gives me WC 3 vibes these days


I mean this is what I consider canon, the story going whack really does start with WoD and only degrades. Legion for all its spectacle and attempts to use the Burning Legion in a meaningful way only really set up the disasters of BFA and Shadowlands ultimately.

Last time he got properly touched was in Wrath of the Lich King when we found out he was still alive. Those were good times and actual nice storyline.

Lawsuit incoming?

Other than Talanji? I quite ‘like’ Rohkan, Rexxar, Bwonsamdi, Muradin, Flynn, Thalyssra despite the lore teams meme dialogue for her after Legion, Lor’themar Theron. Most of the characters I’ve really cared for have been given the villain bat, honestly I’m kind of sick of them throwing away characters that aren’t goodie two shoes, I would trade General Jakra’zet as a main character for the Zandalari campaign over Lilian Voss any day of the week. The one expansion we had about a troll empire and it revolved around making them in to a lukewarm power with no self determination.

The less the eye of Danuser rests on a character the better, since everything the guy touches becomes a bloated turd in quality by the time he’s done with it.

Well, other than the Jailer’s plot being actively hindered by Sylvanas’ involvement. Her breaking the crown and getting the Maw Walker+friends involved was nothing but a downside for him. He could’ve sat pretty on his drought plan and swooped with no real problem.

With no Maw Walker, Devos would’ve won over the Archon, Kel’thuzad would’ve dominated Maldraxxus, Denathrius would’ve kept control of Revendreth and Ardenweald would’ve continued to deteriorate with no adequate counterforce. The Jailer would then control the Shadowlands in full, with the living realm apparently none the wiser until he finally makes his move to take Azeroth’s soul, with the full might of death at his back.

Alas, for some reason he told Sylvanas to blow up the helm of domination and also give everyone a reason to go into the Shadowlands so we stopped him.

I’m sure the Horde races are just like “you executed all our leaders? no worries bud, we will peacefully disarm and do nothing else :)”

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To let the Azerite from Azeroth enter…? Not sure what that was actually meant to do but hey. We’re not supposed to care about story over gameplay.

I mean I guess, but you’d think that once he consolidated all his strength he could just
go to Azeroth himself to get all the delicious titan juice. Man’s apparently been imprisoned for a gajlllion years, he can’t wait another 6 months for his forces to mop up the last resistance?

And like I get that if he did that there might not be a story because “the villain made an enormous army off screen and immediately won” isn’t a great narrative to tell but you can accommodate for this. Maybe by not having Sylvanas follow the Jailer unquestioningly and actually it was an act of deliberate defiance to get us involved? Because she’s double agent style or something? Some players might be upset at that sort of reveal but it would at least make the helm shatter ‘make sense’.

Just leave Sylv in Slands, she can stay there n look for Nathanos.

Highly amusing x)

Jaina had her whole city and people nuked by garrosh. Who was just garrosh… No mournblade or jailer or lich king involved. Not that jaina didn’t suffer from that either…

Not to mention Sylvanas commited genocide on the night elves. Did exactly the same as Arthas and nearly literally became him too.

Jaina purged dalaran yes. She has yet to grow human crops for new forsaken in hillsbrad. and wish to invade an entire Kingdom to turn into new Forsaken as Sylvanas did in the Before the storm book…

If this is a Who’s worse. Jaina or Sylvanas competition. I think Sylvanas wins flat


Looks at Lor’themar and proceeds to sweat heavily

His marriage to Thalyssra shall come.
Then the children of Night and Day!

Sylvanas and practically any other villain honestly. Considering she’s done all the things players have railed on other characters (Garrosh, Jaina, Genn, Arthas, Kael’thas even) as being “wrong” but on a much larger scale.
Still gets a free pass because she’s the messiah of the Danuserverse.

That’s actually even more Danuserverse than Danuser, and would really make her even more of the weird pseudo-4D chess master trope.

good luck spending eternity in the Maw looking for him. But leaving her there is probably the only logical sense at the moment. Like, she can’t be “redeemed”. Garrosh did less and they went out of their way to make him the “BIG EVIL HE DO HIS OWN CHOICE HE MADE BAD CHOICE” spiel.

Yeah Sylv is insanely unredeemable lol, I think Arthas is more redeemable tbh, the whole “mind control” helmet is abit more justifiable than Sylvs actions.

The entire Sylvanas-Jailer plotline is unsalvageable from the start since it’s built on stupid retcons, so no matter how you change it it’s gonna be a farce, unless you delete the entire thing. Best you can do is try to plug in some of the dumber plotholes.

Her being a double agent would ‘fix’ the whole “I didn’t want to be warchief” internal monologue too. Kinda.


Sylv done alright for herself, sat the throne of Lordaeron, the original OP capitol of humans, n sat the throne of Ogrimmar, the capitol of Orcs, and was neither a human or an orc, not bad…time to put her away in the cupboard though and never look back.

I think had Danuser not been writing Shadowlands we’d have gotten a type of meaninful closure on the Arthas area, not the cameo “lol he’s just a whisp, not even a crown” monologue from Sylvanas (which weirdly enough was probably one of the less dumb characterisations from her, in that scene at least.)
But the guy has clearly an agenda for wrecking the works of his betters, those who came before him and seems to gleefully want to torch everything that made sense because his “NEW SHINY COSMOLOGY” is infinitely more superior to anything that came before it.

But lets face it, Sylvanas is going to be given a contrived, hollow and auto-fellating redemption arc courtesy of her biggest simp and we’re going to have to sit through 8 weeks of gated mandatory scenery chewing “campaign story” from Danuser furiously exciting himself into a frenzy over how great his writing is next expansion.

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Yeah it is super annoying to see unfold tbh, legit butchering the setting just to try make sense of his own nonsense, instead of doing the honourable thing, admitting he’s awful at his job and applying for something he may infact be good at, such as making tea for other writers and emptying the bins.


I mean hell he can just go back to writing the quest text no one reads any more, because that is what he started off doing IIRC.