Fire Mage and Enhancement Shaman PvP Tuning - 16 March

Ye. Or remove it from Holy and give it to Disc.

Holy already has GF as an option. Disc does not. And holy has stun, whereas Disc doesn’t.


rune of spell warding is a 20k shield that has a proc rate of 1.8rrpm
even if you were to rely on it to proc to negate damage its a 4% deflection with an average of 1 proc almost 1.5min internally
this obv can be spiked vs DoT classes like yourself as more dots means more chances

but its nowhere near as powerful as craven for hunters, or DH ability to remove magic effects every 5 seconds and completely dispel themselfs with immolation aura

so here’s the facts:
DH - complete dispel , can send magicaly effects back to casters, can purge magic effects
hunter 25s feign death completely dispells take 99% less dmg while doing so

DK - has a chance to block 20k magic dmg on an internal RNG chance.

please dont come at me with " spell warding is op" when the 2 most dominant classes in pvp right now can dispell on a shorter CD and its reactive not RNG

funny thing is often affli lock has more healing then i have with even with spellwarden.
u overexaggerate the talent is not op.


Now, add AMS which gives full immunity to magic damage cannot be dispelled, cannot be broken unless you’re a caster who’s able to pull high damage non-magic abilties, and sits on a very low CD which can be improved by 30% and duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds.

Now add AMZ which is baseline and reduces spell damage by 20% - which can be 60% if talented.

Now add Icebound Fortitude, providing immunity to stun, knockbacks, and reducing overall damage by 30%.

So, basline alone the DK has 3 tools of defensives/damage reduction, all three of them directly affect casters (only one affects melee), two of which can be improved with talent choices, and one of which sits on a very low CD and provides full immunity to most of my toolkit, and cannot be dispelled (meanwhile, Pala bubble has a huge CD and can be MD).

So yes, Spellwarding is broken, especially against dot classes. It’s up 24/7 benefiting the DK because it has higher chance of proc because of dots. Most arenas if we manage to survive for long, the DK by himself will have upwards 500-700K in healing done - most of which passively.

This is completely irrelevant. Saying “buh dhs are more broken” is unrealated to what we’re discussing here - DKs and their abilities to counter casters.
Yes, DH is broken and disgusting but that’s a dicussion for a different topic.

Well, yes Affli passive self-heal is ootp, but again I’m here talking about DK specifically.

Lol, true. Also DH have 20% perma DR against magic DMG. Enjoy. And people complaint at RNG nerfed by 50% spellwarding.

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You know this is not true against any specs with dot abilities - which most ranged specs have, by the way

Cuz UDK have 10s AMS? Spell warding atm is by far not broken.

well you dont play dk obviously. the talent was good when it was bugged. now u have to give up an offensive pvp talent which u need for pressure as dk. even if u use that talent most classes will still outheal u ez so ye idk what u on about.

You’re right. I don’t play DK. I play against them and arenas end with Rune of Spellwarding healing for absurdly high amounts, way above any other ability, and with zero ways to counter unless you’re a fire a mage who can fart out high damage constantly

was the overall healing including spellwarden much higher then urs? i doubt it.
without spellwarden the dk healing would be way lower then urs.

Rune of spellwarding was around 50% of their total healing done

Well, yes and as it should, especially considering all of the basline abilities I’ve just mentioned, one of which provides undispellable full immunity to my toolkit every 1 minute or less. I’d be okaym, if Spellwarding would apply a benefit to AMS, instead of being its own separate thing. But a combo of AMS and ROS is absurdly broken

ye 10 sek ams is pretty nutty against sp and its strong combined with spellwarden.
so dk has an advantage against 1 specc wow. dk needs it against affl lock and even there giving up 1 pvp talent for it hurts. other then these 2 matchups in 2v2 spellwarden wont even get used. i never saw it being used in 3s at all.

let them fix some relevant stuff about the game then we can talk abaout spellwarden.


  • DK pros and cons :


has spellwarden
has anti magic shell

what do you want DK to be a target dummy? get out the forums , log on a dk gear it up and give it a go.
and then, and only then we can talk about nerfing the one redeeming factor about dk

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Like DK’s low mobility means anything when you have the best slow in the game at your disposal. You want to be a Ferrari as well as permanently slowing everybody?

Are you saying that a requirement of learning how to play with a pet is a bad thing?

Blanket silence and ranged stuns are definitely relevant CC.

I don’t think they want DK to be a target dummy, more so have DK require a bit more of a thought process to play, especially versus casters. E.g. spellwarding could very easily have been an ability that has a cooldown, leaving you with the decision when to use it, instead it’s just a passive advantage which makes DK’s extremely boring and annoying to face.

P.s, just like last season, DK’s are completely fine as they are.

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i agree on these points.
dk mobility is fine considering the fact u cant be slowed below 70% ms while having a 70% ranged slow urself.
cc is also alright and pet management is one of the fun parts playing this specc.

but what shall this even mean? u sayin dk needs less thinkin then other dps and against casters even less? like what. im tellin u again spellwarden gets only used against affli and against sp in 2s. against every other caster in 2s or in 3s in general u use mostly big zone, silence or an offensive pvp talent. amz and ams are like other devensive in the game spells u have to press. like idk what u mean no thought process to play. people think dk wins by default if there is a caster in the enemy team. like if that would be the case dk would be way more represented in the top rankings…

funny thing is part of the reason dk was kinda fine last season was because of the bugged spellwarden. now that dk is buffed its fine with the bug fixed ye. still considering all the busted stuff in this game currently its kinda weird even thinkin about nerfing dk. dk is just fine leave it like that or buff it.

If you lose to casters as an UH DK specifically, you did something VERY wrong. UH dk is probably the most anti-caster spec in the game with many, many tools.

I don’t think DK warrants a nerf either. Bit useless talking about it right now when we haven’t seen double legendary and tier set gameplay yet.

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tell me about the tools im curious what u thinkin of.
and ye maybe watch some high rated 3s on twitch like cervantes and see him live losing to teams with a caster.

u got it.

Thanks for posting!
I like the mage nerfs (just like everybody else!) but i dislike the enhancement nerf (just like everybody else!)!

Nerf holy priests to the ground, all 3 rogue specs, hunters, dhs and remove bomb trinkets from the game, thanks.

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15 sec cd ranged interrupt, ranged stun, grip, pet stun, pet kick, AMS, IBF, AMZ, Lichborne, Spellwarding, blanket silence. I know some of these are PvP talents so you can’t have ALL of these at once, but they are still tools the DK can use.