First Transmog Set

I wish I could honestly remember. I don’t know character or server it was when the transmog system was added.

Took me a long time to get the belt for that one. Found out later you can just buy some of the pieces off of the AH.

I think these achievements were only added in Legion when they introduced the Wardrobe (as well as the other collection windows). Before that you had to keep the items in your bank and the transmog window only had items you actually had on you or in your bank. Obviously this was far from ideal and adding the Wardrobe was a huge QoL improvement…




I love mogs, but I actually don’t remember. I do have a fav I put together myself maaaany years ago, but no pics available.

It has a Dokebi hat as accsessory.

I really thought the wardrobe came with Cata… Now I am confused.

I love TBC S2 pvp one, looks exackly what a warlock should look likeTBC S2 PVP

My first transmog outfit was the Trailerseeker set from WOD with a few other pieces to make my dwarf hunter more Wildhammer-y.

Can’t post images but heroic Antorus DK set, all 4 difficulty versions look incredible but the heroic version it’s just the best especially if you have Argus red scythe (which I do :yum:)

Took a whole month to farm everything with 2 DKs, full runs solo.

November 29, 2011

Patch 4.3, “Hour of Twilight”, was released on November 29, 2011 as the final major patch for Cataclysm. The changes include various brand-new features such as Transmogrification, which allows players to remodel their armor’s appearance while retaining the item’s stats.

The demon hunter set for nighthold. It’s most likely my first. I’m still using at least parts of it in my current transmog of 3 leather users.

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Hell if I remember my first transmog set and what exactly I used, but it was either based on Mooncloth Robe (a pretty white robe) or Soulcloth Vest, a purple tube top.

Think it was either a priest or a mage on a private server who first wore these.

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Transmog came with Cata. But you could only transmog to items you had in your bank, this is where Void Storage was added as players needed the space for complete sets of gear to transmog to.
Legion brought the Wardrobe where you unlocked appearances. It brought the Toy collection window also (before this you kept the toys in your bags or bank).
Not sure about pets and mounts. In Wrath a guildie bought one of those Tundra Mamoths on all his alts, something like a dozen. But I think the Account Wide mount collection came soon after that as I remember him grumbling a bit about it.
I only took up Pet Battles in BFA so don’t really remember how those worked back in days of yore. I know they were like mounts at first where you had an item in your bags but moved into a window (perhaps when battling started in MOP was it?).

It might have been the Judgement tier for paladins, but I honestly couldn’t say for certain.


wow i remember the pain to have the unique cloth back on TBC. Im unsure if i was succesful to have the entire set with my mage.

First I collected was Giantstalker I think (I’m not 100% sure, it’s been a long time), but I hated how it looked.

The only set that I collected and like as a whole is the RAF’s Renowned Explorer’s Attire.

But overal, I prefer creating my own ensembles. :smiling_face:

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