Flexible player looking for Casual Raiding guild

Hi Foose, welcome back to the game :slight_smile:

I’m part of a small guild on Draenor that might be a fit for you.

We raid Mon/Thurs nights from 2100-0000 server and potter around with M+ or socials runs around that. Most of us are longer in the tooth and play during the evening and weekends when work and/or family life has settled down. We’re far from hardcore players and are always aim to enjoy the game without getting overly agitated when things don’t go to plan.

Our most recent recruitment post is from last month - so a little out of date - but we’d happily accept DPS for raiding.

Happy to chat if we sound appealing or if you have any questions:

Discord: Ellie#7765
BNet: Sonsie#2955

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