BUG - Flickering trees in Valdrakken when targeting players or NPC's since .54499 update

As title says. When I target a player or NPC in Valdrakken trees mostly those with white leafs around the town will flicker for a second. It’s a very short blink.

Is anyone else noticed this too? Will be appreciate if anyone can check that. I’m wondering is it my pc or a bug.


Also shape of trees in Valdrakken is changing when I open quest log or character info tab.

Is it an Nvidia GPU?

I had that back in SL on older drivers but not experienced it since. It was apparently something to do with shader caching.

Have you checked that your graphics drivers are up to date?

I doubt this is my GPU since it’s happening only in Valdrakken and flicker happens when i click on npc’s and other players. Other thing when I open character info tab or quest log tab some trees around change shape.

You can reproduce that. Just stand in the middle near fountain and look at trees with white leafs, then start clicking on players or keep opening quest log tab.

It was the same for me (and many other players) where it only happened in certain areas. I’m not saying it’s your GPU with a fault, it’s a driver (caching) related issue.

If you search the forum (or google) you should see plenty of old topics about it. Did you check that that your drivers are up to date?

Yes it’s updated. Can you check by any chance is this happens for you as well? Just do what I said in my previous post and look on trees that are way further.

I’ve checked for you and i’m not able to reproduce it.

In case it matters i do have all the graphics settings at highest value.

Settings doesn’t matter. It can be 1 or 10.

I asked about it in game and someone reply to me that he experience the same.

I’ve uploaded images. You can see when Character Info tab is open trees where red arror is are different, fountain also changing shape, on the arch lamp disappear. Clicking on the other players or npc’s makes the same effect but in micro scale and it looks like flicker. But best way to reproduce it is by opening and closing Character Info tab or quest log.

When Character Info tab is open there is no micro flickering when I’m targeting other players. So, I suspect it blocking that effect.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/rvkmLly