Flying mounts how dare you change it

I agree with you on this.
I hope Blizzard atleast removes the 5 sec cast time and makes it instant. The button already dismounts me so there is no need to change anythig else to it.


It’s also an issue in places where they force you to dragon ride. If I forget and enter the Tindral fight before having swapped then it wont let me swap during the fight. I think it should automatically put the player into skyriding mode if it’s required for the encounter.

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Honestly man, just flip the switch back. It’s 5 seconds.

Nothing sickens me more than seeing a post like this after the people who didn’t want flying at all had their game taken away from them for 10 years.

Get over it.

Though of course, this could reasonably be sarcasm…

In the dungeon The Nokhud Offensive on normal/heroic/mythic I can use only Dynamic flight for some reason. M+ allows sky riding and I don’t know what is the difference…


I saw someone else mention that issue yesterday. It’s a strange change, someone said there are now gryphons or ghostly birds or something to carry you between fights.

It is code. The limitations are only with how much Blizzard wants to spend in changing that code.

For my two penneth, the easiest is just give people two bound buttons option. Create a key bind for flying with sky riding no matter which mount you stick in there, then a second key bind to steady riding for whatever mount. That way you can populate the key bind to whichever mount you want and play as before. All this, while allowing you to fly your mount of choice in the fashion you wish to fly it, which was the soul intent of the change anyways.


Saying “Nu-uh” is not a valid response. I gave you an example. You cannot give me any reason why what I said was incorrect. That shows that you don’t have any. Taht you don’T want to bring precedent and reasons into this topic, because you know you don’t have those. Your responses are usually reasonable, but here you are blindly defending blizzard and I am really curious why.

Why not allow players an option to customize how they play the game? Blizz has the tech to do so, the tech is literally the same toggle that already exists.

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You don’t get to invalidate my opinion with something so silly. Sorry.

Especially as I never even said what you imply.

But there is little point in this back and forth so I wont reply about it again. I said what I meant and you don’t get to twist it :slight_smile:

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Two buttons is an interesting idea, without having to actually designate any mounts to a flying mode though. So just summon a mount from my collection in Steady flight mode. And summon a mount from my collection in Skyriding mode.

That would be amazing!


I’ll admit one of the first things I noticed yesterday when logging in for the first time was the flying toggle. It feels very clunky and not very user friendly.

I main a Druid and love that I can now “dragon” ride in flight form - but the 5s cast seems a bit overboard (and I don’t want to have to use a separate mount for the riding).

I’m trying to think of a workaround that can’t be abused - best I can come up with is the toggle being instant-cast, doesn’t dismount you but can only be used whilst “grounded” on a surface. That way you can’t just fly straight up to the sky box, toggle to dragon riding and go woosh from the heavens. It’d effectively work in the same way old dragon riding did, just eliminating the need for you to use two separate mounts.


Tap out Puny you’ll just get a headache trying to respond to someone that doesn’t want to converse with you constructively instead they created their own meaning behind your words to fit their own narrative instead of being told from the horses mouth on what you actually meant.

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Yeah I’d come to the same conclusion. Didn’t want genuine discussion. But others do which is good.

Loving the two button suggestion atm.


Changes are good when its positive not negative, like in this particular case.


The idea for 2 buttons is awesome ( I am a bit dumb I admit it, because it took me a while to comprehend it)
All mounts by default are marked by Blizzard as both Sky riding & Dynamic flight. Then having 2 buttons one per each of the two flying modes.

There are so many solutions which Blizzard could have used instead of having a 5 sec cast time :upside_down_face:


Multiple reasons.

  1. Most people only use one type of riding.
  2. Most people have a ton of mounts that they want to use, but they couldn’t due to reason 1.
  3. Having 2 types of flying mounts in confusing.
  4. Someone suggested the ability to choose type per mount. That’s just a hassle in the long run
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Of course none of this requires the toggle to have a 5 second cast. So if it is one or multiple of those reasons, they could still just make the toggle an instant cast or turn the 5 sec cast time into a debuff that prevents switching again.

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The thing that annoys me the most is that when you are in dynamic flight mode, flying mounts that are not dynamic flight capable cannot fly at all. They could at least have those mounts always fly normal.


I disagree with 3 of your points

  • From all the comments I read on the US and EU forums I see a lot of people using both modes of flying including me
  • Druids, dracthyr, shaman, worgen have transformation abilities without that being confusing
  • People have 40+ spells, macros, toys on their action bars without being a hassle

So yea I disagree with 3/4 of your points

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  1. A few hundred forum comments does not represent the player base of hundreds of thousands. There were way more comments complaining about dynamic flying despite the vast vast majority of players thinking it was a major improvement.
  2. Yeah, a few extra class specific abilities is exactly the same as figuring out which ones of the 500+ mounts that you have are dynamic flying mounts.
  3. But it is. Why do you think so many players complain about rotations being way too overcomplicated? And this point wasn’t about that. It was about remembering to switch flying types between mounts, sitting there for 10 minutes trying to figure out how to switch it for a new mount you got because the last time you switched your mounts was 2 expansions ago, just to realise that the new mount does not support one of the types of flying.

I do agree that it hasn’t been done perfectly. Like a clear marking for mounts ground/flying (not dynamic capable)/dynamic capable. The 5 second cast shouldn’t be there. But other than that, having a simple toggle seems to be the best, most simple option that benefits the vast majority

100% agreed. If they remove the toggle cast time, the system might still not be terribly elegant but I doubt it would draw many complaints.