Follower Dungeon Feature is the BEST opportunity to do this

I really don’t know what this means. There’s no “choice” at hand here. I don’t “choose” to not make sense of the story, it just so happens that the game presents it in a way so as to make it impossible for me to do so.

And no player in their right mind would “choose” to experience story in a disjointed fashion. Clearly the preferable option is to have the narrative presented in a structured fashion as opposed to a disjointed one. Imagine coming in to WoW now and trying to make sense of the story as a new player! An impossible task at the moment. And to great detriment of the game’s health.

I suppose some players might be neutral on the way the story is presented (veteran players who don’t care about the story anyway and just want to go and run dungeons), but to actively be against cleaning up its method of presentation is beyond me.

Why would we want to do a story quest? I suspect most of us don’t even read the quests.

I hope there are no “Follower Dungeon achievements” and I can just ignore this useless feature???

Achievements ruined games.

When achievements in WoW were first added, they were ok, you didn’t have any real reason to do them unless you wanted to.

Later however, they started adding rewards for achievements, starting the whole treadmill of doing achievements for the rewards.

Achievements, a way of creating content from what was already in-game. Low cost content.

However, these days content would be added with achievements in mind.

So you don’t choose to use LFG? Looks like someone hacked your PC and is queuing you up against your will. You poor soul.

Great, so it wouldn’t make any difference to you.

plenty of people are here for the rpg part of the mmorpg

Actually, the game directs you to do so in several different ways. Not to mention that all the major plot resolutions are to be found in instances, so they’re essentially of mandatory completion for anyone interested in the narrative.

In what ways. You must be able to tell me at least one other quest other than the ending of a zone quest that does that.

And in terms of the story quest: that is when the story is at that point. So it fits in.

Why can’t you accept that some people like to play the game in other ways than you? Right now we are free to play as we want. Why does that bother you?

If there’s actually a situation that forces a player into LFG before he could do the quest leading there, that would be an issue. But that’s not how it is. You can quest through the entire first area without stepping into a dungeon outside of the 2 storyquests that lead you there.

I’m trying to understand why it bothers you so much that people are able to enjoy the game in another way than you.
Otherwise you would recommend to optimize the quest log, so people could follow the questlines easier. Or having some stuff highlighted. No, you want to restrict people. You want to control how others play the game. Why?

Uh, every single one of the game’s main villains are defeated in instances? Every single major story beat and event takes place in instances?

Not sure if you’re serious…

Every single person that’s ever lived in this world prefers experiencing a story that’s delivered to them in a structured manner, where the beginning is the beginning, the middle is the middle, and the end is the end.

What are you arguing here, exactly? That some people that play WoW don’t give a lick about story and only care about leveling and running instances, therefore everything to do with its narrative should stay totally disjointed and left for the players to make sense of…?

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I hope I can do the regular dungeon achievements in there. I don’t need specific ones for Follower dungeons. Althought having a few wouldn’t hurt the game in any way, might even improve it. I don’t PVP but I don’t resent the fact that there are PVP achievement (none of which I’ll ever get).

What a snobbish attitude. This feature is far from “useless”. This will give access to a part of the game that a lot of player currently don’t have access to. Just becuase you are in the fortunate position to be able to do dungeons in more traditional ways doesn’t mean this feature is useless.

True, and I acknowledged that. But what does your suggestion change about that? Nothing.
I was asking you: when are you forced into LFG, outside of these story related quests.

No. You are wrong and you don’t speak for everyone.
Google it: Non-linear Narrative

Not really, I was stuck on the Tyr story for a long time as it is gated by a Halls of Infusion quest. A friend and I two-manned it recently so I’m able to progress that story now.

So being gated is frustrating.

At least now with Follower Dungeons they can put in Dungeon quests without gating the story progression.

The story has been a mess in DF but I don’t think that putting in a feature where you unlock dungeons would improve this.
They’ve split the Campaigns (marked with shields) into too many different sections. They ignored previously existing character (where’s Brann?). They’ve added gated (Renown, dungeon, Time) which has lead to disjointed story telling.

That’s pretty much my point. There are things that could be improved in many ways. But just not by gating the LFG.

They should rather improve the quest log or how things are displayed. Follower dungeons in DF are a good start and I’m sure that they will add more if they are received well just as they did with the flying. I think it’s great.
The renown didn’t bother me that much since I do the questing after grinding endgame. I can understand that though and I think putting it behind renown is only fine if questing allows you to have a seamless experience by rewarding enough renown.

If the OP would’ve suggested any of that I would have agreed. But his point was: restrict LFG, because some people can’t not touch it and might get confused because they haven’t done the story quests that lead to it.

they need to get gud. basic 5-man dungeons are for tourists?

It changes it because now that Follower Dungeons have made these instances accessible to even the most casual of player, it makes more sense than ever for them to be folded into a narrative track of mandatory completion.

Who said I was forced into LFG? I only said the dungeons (and raids) are of mandatory completion for those who are interested in the game’s story.

Pretty sure Blizzard isn’t going for an avant-garde, postmodern flavor with World of Warcraft, but I could be wrong.

Player performance has nothing to do with it. There are many reasons why people can’t do dungeons. For me it’s eyesight, back in TBC I could stick with the group (and even tank) as running through dungeons like your erse is on fire wasn’t standard. Now even Normal dungeons are treated like a +15.
Over the years I’ve had friends (IRL and in game) to play with but few are still around. I’ve been in guilds and communities but not now for various reasons.

And you should learn #1 rule of online gaming, Don’t be a dick.

That’s definitely not any kind of rule in online gaming where 90% of people are dicks 24/7. Don’t be a snowflake.


You’re already gated though, but by things that don’t make sense.

It makes sense to gate major story beats, as it offers the narrative a semblance of structure.

It doesn’t make sense to gate story behind level unlocks, or reputation unlocks.

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Now that triggers something…