Forum Positivity ☀️

I have loved the music, first time in ages I’ve not simply turned it off.

Hallowfall is amazing, the art team deserve a massive positive for that one.

I will hold judgment on the raid until I’ve seen it on Sunday, but Blizzard rarely gets them wrong.

Due to a change in employment I had 3 weeks off to enjoy the start of this expansion, and I’m happy with it overall really :slight_smile:

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Despite the heat he is getting, I don’t find Brann annoying at all. I love the stuff he says and having him in the Delves with me is an absolute honour. He’s a legendary figure in this expansion to me.

The fact he sounds Scottish but shares gold he finds is also nice, if unbelievable.


Ah yes, i love the music, especially in isle of dorn.

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Love your initiative.

  • I love that I have 4 new sets of “normal looking person” transmogs to collect.

  • The story is good. I want to know the next chapter, and I am optimistic that this harbinger lady will become the next “thanos”. Especially because i wont have to wait 10 years for the end. They already said they will do 3 expansions back to back.

  • I am pleased with the Shaman rework.

  • I am hyped for the M+ season.

  • I am really pleased that Delves will exist. Normally at the end of the season things die out a bit. And its a perfect moment to Delve your skills and see how far you get.

  • I think Hallowfall and the mechanic that changes the light is amazing. I am also very curious of these Arathi dudes, apparently they are racist people. So a new faction to fight ? Maybe ?

  • I like the spider people, with all their spies and intregue… And I like that they are not “old god” fanboyz like the Mantids were. They try to be realistic and adapt to the new world instead.

  • The raid mechanics are really cool and engaging, with out being overly crazy hard. For now, there seems to be a good balance in that.

  • I absolutely LOVE the mog you get from the main quest zones. The mail and plate ones specifically (the one I am wearing)…


Really having a blast playing The War Within.
I am by no means a “sweaty gamer”, so I really took my time in questing through the story, doing every sidequest I can before heading to the next zone. And it was great. The zones look awesome and I really felt more like “exploring” a world than before. Part of this feeling are the delves, too, which I liked doing on my way as seamless little side dungons (like those mini dungeons in Elden Ring). While I think the campaign-ending feels a bit rushed, I am actually intrigued in how the story will go on.

And yeah, of course, Hallowfall in general. The vistas, that changing crystal, the music… might be my favorite zone in WoW overall to date.

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So far I’m really enjoying the Delves. Better than Visions and so, so much better than Torghast. And I love the zones, npc groups and the general aesthetic of TWW. For the first time since BfA I really enjoy just being in the game.

I really enjoy the fact that, because I have not yet started War Within, hopefully all bugs & nerf/buffs will be sorted by the time I do at the end of the month.

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Getting the Bois and all the group back on after months and getting ready for push week! All been fun!

Im happy for this expansion. Im enjoyin the environment, the music and the story. I love a lot the spider zone with rumors.
Doin some delves with no hurry and more dungeon than the last 4 exp.

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The good thing about war within is that they are moving away from quests, where we have to kill something or to pick up an item, and towards new types of quests, like quests using dragonflying and other mechanics, historically preserved for world quests

Since when is truth negative.

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They should make an entire expansion based on the Weavers, they’re absolutely brilliant in their incredibly polite yet would not hesitate to suck the marrow from your bones.


At “The fissure” in Dorn - the portal down to the spider area.


Im gonna look for it right now lol, this Orc stronghold conquest can wait…

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Not exactly Brann McDuck.

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I’m happy that I didn’t invest in an expansion that would time gate me for a month. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lol I genuinely did laugh when I saw little “Nipper” giving it the “big man” holding his little venom stained notice

I know people lost their minds over the timegating but it was a chance to have a good look around and there is tons of cool stuff.

It’s a stupid thing but there is a quest where you throw some paladin light orb to get enemies out of stealth… Except the evil genius part is you can throw it on the npc’s including the flight master.

Results below.

I totally didn’t spend 10 extra minutes not finishing the quest to do this.


Lol I would do the same thing

Having the option to be a gremlin is always good