Forum ranks

Look it is this that will set me off again, why is he trying to say it? I wanted to share a thought and he is telling me to go again. I am not in the game but i can still be in here for a while yet.

Trust level 3 gang

Jesus tenor really became btec as heck

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In ma defense my rank 3 is perfect PvP minor with my build*

  • Based on my experience, can’t link icy veins or wowhead proofs

But crucible is top kek major, raw damage :flushed:

I got Lucid R4 on my hpala while I obviously use Vision as mayor… The idiot is me :smile:

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I love wings proc on pala :speak_no_evil:
Even if lucid is bis for prot… I use vision major :robot:

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but it shouldn’t be a goal separately. You read posts, you participate in topics. Can even take breaks and just be part of forums and community. Discuss pros and cons of game and blizzard; read what you enjoy - mute what angers or sounds boring. It will come. And R3 can be lost very swiftly… So be nice, chit-chat and soon enough you find you can post cow gifs!


Deeds not words ©
some green text grill 2k19

Trust level 3 is not exclusive to anyone. Most level 3s are nice and repost links, images etc.

There are a multitude of level 3 posters


Will someone post this in response to Sabryu. (this does already get old)

i.giphy com/media/41htnn4PgRS5Rqxc4n/source.gif

Why use sub par gifs
When you can answer like this:

And still be organicly edgy


see he cannot even wait to allow someone to post it just has to say even this again to salt it.

If you wish to participate in WoW related discussions and post links, images, gifs, or anything else without resorting to trickery (like breaking up links with spaces) or needing to level up your forum rank (as if leveling up that Azerite necklace wasn’t enough) then I suggest the game’s subreddit and the MMO Champion boards.

Actually i am surprised how little normal posters are on the list. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am one normal :crazy_face:.


Well since there’s only 19 alliance left in-game, all we can do is spend our monthly sub on forums while Horde is raiding !



Whaaaaat? I dont understand what u mean?? :sweat_smile:


Nicely done, 3EN44K1. :robot:
Stand by, I will upload the explanation with the next patch.

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Well you don’t, supposedly. As you “quit” :thinking:


I was trying but that link is not all there and it doesn’t work. Post your link like this:
Copy and paste whole link. Select whole link and press preformatted text button </>. This shows your link and people can copy and paste it to browser. It will look like this:
Anyone can now copy and paste that link to see the image. And if someone with trust level 3 comes along, they can repost your link as visible gif.

You will get your own trust level up by reading post, writing posts, replying to posts and giving and receiving likes.


There u go.

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