Forum Science Thread šŸ”¬


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Just testing some Forum science. :eyes:


I tend to stay away from all things scientific, I remember the last time I tried an experiment. Oh and the law also says Iā€™m not allowed.

Impeding progressā€¦ Drink up folks!! Drink the Elixir of Everlasting fame! I shall make your names be spoken by all for eternity!!

Or at leastā€¦ The last person on Earth has used my elixir


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You know, maybe someone at Blizzard should write down somewhere how the forum works, in totality.

There are some help docs out there, some written on the US forum by a user and other things can be found on other forums using this software.

But likeā€¦ itā€™d be nice if we knew all the things we could actually do, wouldnā€™t it.

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Science fact: It is required infinite amount of energy to reach absolute zero.

So i see you cant edit post when its hidden anymoreā€¦ but not for me!

only works if its the OP that got hidden.


According to my theorum this thread shouldnā€™t exist.
And yet it does. Most curious!

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Hmm. Im gonna say thatā€™s either a Flat Earther or a Creationist.

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Disable the preview when trying to post a youtube video, i think that is the cause for PC posters not being able to post those links.

Edit: You may be on to something. SCIENCE!

Edit 2: Alas, only clickable links worked for me; no embedded playable thumbnails. :cry:

Edit 3: Mobile YouTube link finally worked, which lacked an automatic preview.

Able to post the linksā€¦With a thumbnail that is playable from the forum

i shouldve added that xD


The solution you put on the thread now informs any poster that this thread is already solved and to only reply if have additional details :joy:

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I was on mobile at the time anyways, but now I have a post that I can edit. FOR SCIENCE! :smile:

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Thereā€™s a thread for such.

But Iā€™ve to admit, Iā€™ve become non the wiser from it:

Especially about the Trust levels.

This thread has shown more things I could be doing.
With the right TLā€¦ :thinking:

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Itā€™s not complete. Lots of missing information about solutions, tables, resizing images, etc.


Exactly, and when you click the link thatā€™s provided, it leads to a offline website.

Iā€™d be very grateful for those whoā€™d would create such a thing. Just like the OP did here. :smiley:


Yeah, Pachimariā€™s thread is a little bit dated.

If i had TL3 i wouldā€™ve loved to make a new one xD

One day youā€™ll make it. I have faith in you!


The only science Iā€™m interested in is cloning.

Iā€™d so clone myself.

Send you all a clone.

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I guess I could put it do some work while I get to stay more on pc. Otherwise Ill decline the gift as cant think of other use but in any regards I appreciate the gesture. Scientifically Im interested in transfering my consciousness in some hard drive or some robot body and become like krang so I could skip earthly minor tasks like making dinner etc :smiley: