Free mini-artworks

there is a sketch as a preview to my comic story ^^"


Your art is absolutely amazing, I adore it! If you ever find time to do one of the freebies again i’d love to see my duck and my goblin together <3 Good luck with everything and your commissions further <33

http s://


hey! nice arts :slight_smile: Could you do my main by any chance?

http s://

Yazz <3 You inspired me to doodle people! I hadn’t drawn anything properly in like a year due to my depression, so really; thank you ^^ :purple_heart:

Draw an Orcish rugby team about to kick the ball however… the ball is a GNOME!

Your art is absolutely amazing, I don’t usually or ever type on forums, but this had to be noted.
If you aren’t too overworked I’d absolutely love if you could give a dear memory of mine a try, but even if that’s not possible, I’d still love to keep track of the work you are putting here
Keep drawing, you are doing wonderfully

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What in the Lights name is a “niffen”? :o

I think it’s the new rep/race in 10.1, mole people basically.

You mean Mule-like?

Edit: Nevermind. Just learned how different the words “mole” and “mule” are :rofl:

Please give me mule-people for next playable race, this would be amazing!

Lovely artwork.
Can i have one with me and my friend together?
I would love to see my grumpy orc with the happy pandaren :slight_smile:
Orc (Warlock): http s://
Pandaren (SP): http s://

Could be fun playing a Centaur…

Here is a screenshot I took with that addon I never remember the name off.

Could it be Narcissus?



could i get a sketch :smiley: … i cant post the pictures on forums but here is the links :frowning:

https: //imgur. com/nVfem6D

https: //imgur. com/5CIGGYb

https: //imgur. com/IKTzMXW

Ah yes, that was the name of it, ty :slight_smile:

WoW… Thanks Blizzard :smiley:

Can I burn it with the Light too? :flashlight:

I can’t post images, so here’s a link to my main, & some of my 50+ alts, on Twitter: Tequima; Tequendielle; Tequina; FriarTeq (in cooking gear); Malitæ.

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It’s not a lot but I thought Elliera deserved a little something in return for all the work put in on this thread :smile_cat:

(Tell me if it looks too dark, my monitors disagree on the brightness!)