Free mini-artworks

Where saddle?

i really like the usage and control of lightning in your pictures. very warm and nice.

Yoo she still going!

I was wondering if you got time for a comission, I need a ‘’:joy:‘’ emoji with Grovi drawn by you! I’d like one of dem stickers!

you can ride on your dragon without saddle to ^^
Just need to remove it in drake customization

hey, no problem, DM me on twitter or reddit or any other social media pls

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With all those spikes and scales it is surely not that comfortable. Especially not for men :smiley:

Not to mention you could fall off because of missing safety guards to keep you on the dragon.

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Anyway, I think I would actually like to commission a headshot of this character. I’m only on Patreon and Reddit of all those but you didn’t link a Reddit? /u/elliera_art is not there and /u/elliera is a suspended account (and probably not you I’d assume)

people can ride horses without a saddle. All you need is holding on a mount using your legs. It will be more problematic with dragon but it still can work :smiley:

here is a link ^^

Ah. 2 r’s.

yeah, someone took my nickname before me xD

Oh, I did’t say it is impossible. Just not smart.

When you fall off a Horse the ground is right next to you. But on a Dragon in the Sky, that’s a different story.

Now, if you excuse me. I have to go kiss the ground :wink:

jumps off the Dragon like Skywalker from Speeder in Episode 2

They did indeed. And then got banned. So now it’s just taken for no reason. How… stupid. >_>

:joy: I like your comment
Just imagined it lol
I just think my dragon will catch me if I’m fall. That’s why my char doesn’t use any saddle :slight_smile:

lol :smiley:
It was long time ago so I took another nickname that I can use too
Need to go now but I’ll answer later if you’ll DM me ^^

That’s a lot of trust. Not sure if I would trust a dragon so far to catch me.

But granted, my trust in people is for my entire life not that high.

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Tweeted at yeee

Awesome artwork! Keep up the good job! :grin: :v:

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cant see your message :eyes:

My gametime is almost ended, Will come back after short break ^^
Have a good day everyone