Fresh 120, only want to do BGs, should i just uninstall?


So i havent played since WoD, since its the expansion final months i decided to just sub and try to have some BG PVP fun, but apparently its impossible to gear up?

back in WoD (i know…) you could at least gear up with “decent” gear by just doing random BGs and random arenas.

and the damage is just insane… in WoD even a fresh character has chances, now i have like 100k HP and i usually die one shot to any class.
I dont want to do the cloaks and farms… i dont even understand what im supposed to do, i tried the questline and suddenly i have to be friendly with some factions and farm quests? no thanks…

so my question is: whats the best way to get even just a bit of gear by doing ONLY pvp on a fresh 120?
or should i just uninstall? kinda sucks i was hyped to play the game again…

If you only want to do PvP, then unsub 'till Shadowlands is your best option. If you’re ok with a bit of PvE (mostly WQs and emissary quests), then you can get by, but you’ll be 2-shot even at 300k hp, so doesn’t matter much in the end.


If ur ok with 3-4 months of grind to catch up +/- ok gear - then play, if not take a break untill new expansion.

thanks for the replies, yeah thats what i feared. god damn i missed the old days…

not saying that people that play more shouldn’t have better gear, ofc they should. but the huge gap now plus the high difficulty to catch up just makes it unplayable…

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You’ve re-subbed anyway.
Why not try WQs and emissaries for a week or so and see where you are at then ?
You might feel it’s worth doing the cloak quest chain , or doing some other content, that will let you get a bit better geared with a view to doing some BGs and eBGs in a few weeks.

Uninstall, game is garbage even when you’re geared up. Go play any other game where you don’t need to grind for 4 months to be able to play the game.


Just came back myself, played about 15 hours a day for 1 month now, and im not even close to getting good pvp gear. this is the worst wow pvp has EVER been, honestly i dont understand how you can have 15 years of experience and mess up this much… its sad.


If I’m completely honest, yeah if you want to be geared you literally have a long long PvE grind ahead of you if you don’t want to be deleted in PvP.

If you already subbed I’d probably spend the time taking advantage of the XP boost and levelling any characters you might want to play in Shadowlands.

game is garbage, i came back after few months , got some ilvl to 467 and figured my spec is utter garbage at everything, and now i am searching some other game to play, dont want to invest in this anymore until shadowlands.

This is MMORPG you should play somethign with 0 progression instead.

Get good.

Guy killing dragons and wearing their skin as armor etc is more powerful than naked dude jumping in city and fighting noobs in arena.

Even with decent gear PvP is still abysmal :frowning:

If you’re Horde, I wouldn’t worry too much.
Just make yourself useful by solo-defending a base.

If Alliance, I’d suggest getting your pvp fix from epic-bg’s/wpvp until you can survive getting focussed by 10 immortal heroes with passive nukes.

…idk if it’s the best way, but it’s a way.

yea uninstall but also dont come back for shadowlands i guess.
People say unsub and come back for shadowlands, well that will show them! :\

They don’t care because they publish something that makes people resub every 3 month so they get their MAUs and subs back up for the quarterly meetings.
Apart from that they really don’t give a damn at all about the game unfortunately.

I was also a major BG player in the past but since legion bgs are pretty much unplayable and 99% end up in a fiesta rather than a fun and exciting game.
Partly gear and partly class balance is to blame for that.

If you want to play the game, I still suggest you to try M+ is it (at least in the beginning) more or less fun. You will get tired of it eventually because it is always the same stuff over and over again. But then again so is arena at the moment since it is also a huge pve fiesta between destros, fire mage and rogues

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A lot of peoples still playing coz there is no alternative/habitually/ingame friends. Sadly but the game became as second job, if you trying to play PvP here u need a fire brigade - u’ve got deleted not because he is better player, but coz he’ve got better gear or class. He backpedal and click icons and u can’t do to him anything and die.
M+ is a clown fiesta all about META. To play this game u actually need work on it, work on gear, spent weeks months of ur lifetime…nonsense. I came here to get fun, not to work. Its a videogame, not a job.


BFA is probably the most alt-unfriendly expac I’ve ever seen. And I’ve been around since 2004 :slight_smile: It’s nigh impossible to gear an alt, or gear up if you joined late in the expac without serious grinding and you’ll never quite catch up

not sure where you got that statement from, you can easily push 460/465 in 2-3 weeks

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too many greens just put i lvl 460 on it so green keep out

i orc also green so ye got hint hint

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