Frostwhisper (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Warkeeper the tauren druid? He might have nicked warbringer at some point as well?

(Tauren warrior Goatrek here) Played in Deguello and Divided together with Razzar. :slight_smile:

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Hej. :slight_smile: @Cykaplyat Atic here from Divided. I do remember you and Razzar

Deathmaz UD Priest says hi to you!

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Hello everyone, good to see all these familiar names! It brings me back.

I’m Sepwizz, undead warlock who spent most of my time in Zenkai.

A FW - Vanilla community sounds nice, but unfortunately for me it seems like now, after 15 years in service of The Horde I’ll have to switch factions due some friends being insistent on Alliance :frowning:

-Baku, Tauren Druid
-Guilds; Almost Skilled, In Denial, The Core

Anyone from those guilds still here playing? I remember a few names like Lostris, Anxor, Trembler, Open, Sasha, Zana etc.

Our Nefarian kill video is on youtube, good memories ( The Core (EU-Frostwhisper) vs Nefarian)

Hello everyone. Crowfeather the r13 night elf druid here, Decerto guild.
We have a community revival and a battle net group going on for all old classic Frostwhisper players. Here is the invite link and hope to see you all in upcoming classic release for round 2.0!

I still have nightmares about you Dimtim from my time playing troll rogue on FW

Hi there.

I played on FW Horde as a troll mage named Calthasa. I also had a priest alt named Calthaza and a warrior named Kicks.
My first raiding guild was Orignial Rudeboys, but changed over to Thule later.


To put it properly now :slight_smile:
Name: Eliminatorz
Tauren Warrior
Started in Deguello with my OG’s Utta, Thamot, Darkspell (tattarpojke) , etc
I think i then joined Zenkai (I’m not 100% sure tho) … was the guild with Valefar and Kigami (?) etc …
Then in the start of TBC i joined Almost Skilled as a resto druid but switched to Spitty & vokar’s guild :smiley: ( Hi bois :smiley: <3 )
After pretty much tier 6 content i changed to another realm cuz of RL friends playing there. I still played my warrior in TBC tho mostly in pvp which was in Bruce Lee ^_^.

There , a brief history :smiley:

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Dracz, Priest :slight_smile: Was the GM of Inquisition through the first couple tiers of Vanilla.

Ofurstinn, Troll Hunter

Did you not also play in Divided ? :smiley:

I also played in Original Rudeboys! was an undead mage under the name Realrampage in vanilla back in the day and renamed him Serenadem in Wrath

My first guild was Dirge of Cerberus with Yoyo, Jen, Mari, Naantje and others, then I was in Da Kult, Hunters of Men and Surprise Mutiny before moving to another server in Cata

I remember a lot of the names in this thread!

Is anyone from Almost skilled still playing?

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Yes Most people from Almost Skilled are actually on Gehennas…in surprise " Almost Skilled " :slight_smile:

Yrma the female undead rogue here from DING and TAW if anyone knows me hit me up :slight_smile: playing on earthshaker EU horde :slight_smile:

Hey folks.

I was Razertooth (Troll Shaman Class Leader from Inquisition and some others) mainly, also had my undead Mage alt Dammage.

Currently playing a little classic on Skullflame (as Soen)

Lots of great memories from Frostwhisper. Still ‘Facebook friends’ with a few former guildies :slight_smile:


Hey Razertooth, long long time since I’ve seen any activity from you. How are ya

classic-char test


Only just seen this!

I’m good mate - how are you - sorry for the mega slow reply.

Currently on Firemaw with my mage Emporess!