Fruit Basket [EU][Alliance] Boosting Services

OK, that’s easily addressed.

OP and their friends are a bunch of Mercenaries, offering their services for hire to bold adventurers who seek to conquer the eternal palace but find themselves lacking a war party of their own.

That should more than suffice to fit your idea of a little safe space.


By those words… the palace was already conquered lore wise so they are sort of late to the party so why bother.

this thread will potentially get derailed soon i guess. It will make for some good reading material!

Ah yes, using the server for what it is made for is a ‘safe space’. Do one you sad cretin.


Epic post. 1st I dont get why you are making up something the OP didnt even mention, 2nd you are not a roleplayer and this is a rp realm so what you say is irrelevant


Single digit IQ comments in this thread truly amaze me but by all means please continue to be a laughing stock.


its funny because the laughing stock is a bunch of neets that are trying to get gold off of RPers lmao


They are too lazy to actually earn and make their gold so they must extort it from hard working rpers.

Bold words from a non-RPer on an RP realm

Are you incapable of reading server types?


Offering services in exchange for a fee is what the server was made for, yes! If it wasn’t, Blizz would have disabled trading or raiding on RP realms :ok_hand:

Elitist RPers sometimes make me regret rolling on AD. But then I see you’re a Gnome, and all of a sudden I understand why you’re upset.

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I don’t recall Argent Dawn turning into Tumblr, altposter.

She doesn’t realize… Should we tell her that the RPers are the ones laughing? :open_mouth:

No, it was made for RP. Stop saying stupid things. At least post from a retail character if you must.

Yes, I regret you rolling on AD too tbh.


That’s OK, I play on horde :kissing_heart:

Blurts out attempted zinger By elitist, do you mean people who are on the realm for the purpose of actually RPing?

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Who dropped the rice bowl this time?

No, I mean people who get upset that someone dare play the game differently and not strictly RP as they see fit, even if the other is still sticking to “RP server rules”.

You can enjoy RPing alongside the gameplay oriented portion of the game. Even if someone only RPs 5% of the time, this is still an appropriate server for them to enjoy on their character.


Even more regret. Also, tell here is it that rping realms are for boosting services, I failed to see that.


Sorry, who is upset? I have a general distaste for threads that clutter the forum that are generally unrelated to RP. Though I have no mind to debate the subject, I don’t feel like clashing with people over a game.

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Lashing out with abuse is generally the action of someone who is at least moderately upset.

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Just leave, then.