Fury/Arms Warrior LF Raiding Guild

Hey, I’m a fury/Arms warrior with mythic raiding experience looking for HC/Mythic raiding guild. If you are not looking for a Warrior I can also play Ele/enhancement Shaman on a high level as well. I’m looking for a guild that raids 2-3 Days a week. I can raid on all days except Saturdays and Fridays. I sim my gear to know what’s an upgrade and what isn’t and I always check logs to see how I can improve on each fight.

I’ve been playing since TBC but first started raiding in MoP. In Legion I got Cutting Edge in the Emerald Nightmare and 3/10 In The Nighthold before my guild disbanded and I stopped raiding in a guild enviroment for the rest of the expansion. I was in a guild in the start of BFA and got I 3/10 Mythic In Uldir before my guild disbanded once again, and I took a break until now. I do however have all of the Ahead of The Curve achivements since Throne of Thunder except Battle of Dazar’ Alor.

I Just got back into BFA and I want to raid once again. preferably in a guild that doesn’t disband after the first tier.) In a guild that does heroic and preferably mythic. But feel free to contact me even if you don’t.
My current Ilvl is 406 wich is low. So I would be ok if I was brought on alt runs, so that I can gear up. I am willing to Server/Faction change so please whisper me even if your guild is not on my server. Thanks!

Please whisper me in game at
or add me on Discord at

Or you can just comment on this post!

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Hey there, would be good to talk and see what we can maybe work out. My btag is Stormcaller#2781, I’ll send you a message on Discord as well.

We’re a long standing guild who have been established for over 10 years now so hopefully can offer you exactly what you are looking for.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hey! Looks like you’re the guy for our guild. Add me on bnet RemcDonalds#2779 and i’ve added you on discord as well


My Guild Jynx on kaxxak are currently looking for additional raiders.
We are mainly focusing on Mythic, but still doing weekly hc clears.

Feel free too take a look at our post on the forums

Hello there :slight_smile:

ToO sounds like just the right guild for you, We raid Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday with an added alt run on Wednesday.

The Obsidian Order is a mythic raiding guild on Aggramar, with a history on the realm, as we have been raiding since Classic, without taking any breaks. Our goal is to keep improving ourselves and our raiding team and clear content while it is still relevant.

If this interests you at all then do please take a look at our recruitment post:

And contact an officer for a chat :slight_smile:

Hey there Winzlow,

Call of the Void is an Alliance guild based on the highly populated server of Silvermoon, we are a friendly and mature guild who like to enjoy the game and the people whom we raid with. We were formed at the time that Nighthold was the current raid and since then we cleared all heroic content with adequate comfort.

We are a fairly laid back guild however when it comes to it we want to progress and so will focus and push for the kill. In a raid environment there is always a bit of chatter as we like to have happy raiders that are at the same time, focused on killing the bosses at hand - this is the key to our success. Therefore, there is no bad atmosphere during our raids, but instead, a relaxed, calm and focused environment.

Current progress:

  • Crucible of Storms (2/2 Heroic, 2/2 Normal)
  • Dazar’Alor (9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal)
  • Uldir (8/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal)
  • Eternal Palace (8/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal)

Our raiding schedule is:

  • Monday 20:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday 20:00 - 23:00

If you think you are interested in what we have to offer and if you also think we may be interested in you, please do not hesitate to add my battle-tag or discord.

Agni#0141 - Discord
Agni#2366 - Bnet tag