[GD Lounge][Breakfast Club] 🥧

Havent had breakfast yet, but i’m at work and it will be slice of bread with salami on :slight_smile:


Well, its 9.50am here in the UK, and I’m on my 3rd coffee, 2nd cigarette and had my meds for my back problem. What is this heretical thing you call ‘breakfast’ ??

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Also 9.50ish. Finishing my coffee having taken all relevant pills, read the forums, facebook & twitter and ready to start work which I should have done 50 minutes ago.
Running my own business from home which is really busy isn’t good for someone who’s inherently lazy and would be happy spending all day wandering round the internet.


That’s me in a nutshell!! Although I’m at work tonight and youngest son is on school holidays so limited WoW time for me this week. Ah well, browsing the forums it is then.

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I promised myself that I would use these vacations I had planned for the wow launch to exercise and take time to cook healthy meals. Instead I’m just now finishing my usual breakfast of toast and milk&coffee, browsing the net and will probably do nothing but the event dungeon until it’s time to go out for lunch at a restaurant. Living the lazy life as usual for me :sweat_smile:

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I am still on my first coffee :coffee:

I haven’t had breakfast. Currently eating lunch at work though, having raisin buns and a bottle of Tab X-tra.

Just ate a sandwich. Now I’m drinking juice and chilling on the balcony.

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Eating now croissant and drinking caffe latte :heart:


im gettign hangry right now, i want something sweet but you know what they say " why do all the nice things have to be so bad for you" :cry:

I had mints for breakfast, work to do, and maybe gonna order some fast food, or munch on some dried meat

Lunch break is breakfast here. Eating small pancake-like things and drinking chocolate milk. Life is good :+1:t2:

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Afternoon/Evening :wave:t3:

Mornin’ ya beautiful players! <3

Currently have chimcken nuggies for breakfast :3

black coffee and existential dread

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Always toast with plenty of butter and milk with coffee. The difference today is that I’m also waiting for rares. Thanks to the shorter time I have the time to kill a couple of them before work :slightly_smiling_face:

PS. The emoji menu changed today :open_mouth:
Still doesn’t have blood elf options, so wasted effort if you ask my :unamused:

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My job closed due to corona, so I’m unemployed yet again. Currently depressed.

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sad to hear that buddy, if theres any consolation SL isnt far off to take your mind off it a bit!

I don’t have a laptop or a PC at the moment. And I can’t afford a new laptop/PC. I will not be able to play on launch or in the first month outside of the Internet cafe, which might also close if corona gets worse…

Now I want chikkums too. Curse you.

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