[GD Lounge][The Dungeon] ⛓

I’ve heard of trolls evolving into elves but never dwarves devolving into trolls…

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When I first read the title I thought it was a discussion about Grimrail Depot :rofl: (The Dungeon)

We’re discussing what the top trains are.

But we know the answer… those which are tightly packed with food!

Fancied a change

youre right… a change sometimes is a good thing


How many races have you been now?

Oh Gods… Started as a Worgan, then Human, back to Worgan, then Draenei, Night Elf, Back to Worgan again, then Void Elf, Dwarf and now Troll.

That’s just this warrior. I’ve been other races when I went through a stint of not being able to settle on a main class.


Lawful good if you catch me in a good mood…

i dont really do memes.

Switching to Horde was a mistake. Already purched a faction change back to Alliance but it’s been pending for 4HOURS!!


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sounds like treason brandishes her blade … horde is clearly the best faction

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Hard disagree…

I refunded the second faction change already… I’m just malding because almost all armour looks like garbage on the Darkspear Troll model.

That’s why we don’t pick the worst race like troll but something cool like tauren or tauren…


Yeah, that’s true. I still like them, but Zanda is better for transmog. You can’t see the footwear on either one of these races though if that matters to you.

I’ve race changed so many times too. I like most of the races. Every toon I have is a different one atm.

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That drama made the mods close the food thread so guess we’re back here unless someone else makes another competitor.

At least it managed to hit 3k replies - certainly a lot!

Anyways, not gonna ramble here… here’s a kebab salad.

Someone will let Clown know? :point_right::point_left:


Aww sorry Dunkiee, I tried to walk away but I’m also not going to not defend myself against someone outright attacking me for no reason.

Hopefully my stalkers fans will learn to accept that I am unavailable and leave me alone from now on. It is hard to be the most sought after forsaken on the forum sometimes /sigh

When I get my TL3 back I will post an image of some fancy English food for you :joy:

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Nah… don’t be sorry Neffy. You got attacked, it’s natural to defend yourself.

I’m still happy it lasted this long. :smiling_face_with_tear:

As the former most sought after belf I feel you there. That sword cuts both ways.

Also, feel free to add me on Disc, if you can’t find it then Soul can tell you (just so I don’t get unneeded attention of that type) :smile:

Just drop it here with the ` symbol on both of the links’ ends and I’ll repost it for you :grin: