Gear Impact - Random BGs

233 to 256 is pretty bad, borderline useful.

But trying to BG sub 233 (198 vs 256 like this alt I post on) is pointless.
Players can’t contribute, melt in aoe, are a detriment to the team & just don’t have fun.
Personally, I don’t feel myself ‘progressing’ or ‘getting stronger’ with every micro increment, players still insta-die every step of the way up this pointless grind to ‘borderline useful’.

It’s just an awful system.

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That’s my point imagine the same game where now when you enter the lowest pvp gear scales up to within 20 ilvls base.
So 200 base ilvl and scales in pvp to 239.

Now you got a bg, not a roll over game.
Now it’s competitive and interesting and low ilvl don’t want to afk farm.


It’s hilarious, or sad, really.

Random BGs have a higher gear requirement than mythic raiding.

That is just how godawful PvP in this game is.


Maybe you don’t realize this, but the main incentive for getting better gear is to destroy others in pvp. If you add ilevel matching to BGs then you take away that incentive.

Gear gaps are quite serious in this expansion. However, upgrading gear is an even bigger issue. The amount of conquest and honor needed to upgrade one’s gear is far too high, especially considering the rate at which they can be obtained.

I don’t think we can expect the gearing system to change until 10.0, but the acquisition of honor and conquest should be significantly buffed. Possibly by as much as 100%.

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Terrible way to do pvp, there’s no fun in that even for the over gear.
The incentive like that always remains regardless of the gap, you will always want best gear.

All you do is drive people away with this mentality and kill the game, case and point: world of warcraft shadowlands.

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I’m not sure you understand my suggestion, I don’t intend to remove the power gap. I’m suggesting that the average item level of each team should be similar. For instance, both teams will have some undergeared players, and both teams will have some highly geared players.

It’s not fun to join a BG which is 210 item level versus 250 item level - whichever side you’re on.

Problem with this is blizzard and players perception that it will interfere with pve gearing.

You ideally need pve gear to scale down in pvp and pvp gear to scale up in pve.
It means neither have a cross over advantage and each is best for its content.

I heard an old school wow pvp song come over my Spotify today that made me really wanna do some random BGs

Name that expac, I doubt you could just hop up in bg in greenish quest items and not be obliterated by geared folks.
Except for scaling\template bs times, but I don’t know how they can be considered old school either

What’s the point of having teams of similar avg. ilvl?

Under the current system, it’s not uncommon to be on a team with mostly 50-60k HP, versus a team of mostly 30-40k hp. It ends up in a graveyard farm, which is not enjoyable for either side.

With similar average item levels, the outcome of each BG truly could go either way. In my view, that’s far more interesting than wasting my evening playing one-sided BGs.

It maintains the power differential that some people seem to enjoy so much - being able to crush weaker opponents if you have top-notch gear. However, it would make the outcome of each game more balanced.

I agree that close games that ‘could go either-way’ are some of the most enjoyable, I just struggle to understand the logic of: “its ok if we have 3 useless lowbies having a bad experience, providing the other side also have 3 players that aren’t enjoying themselves either”

I mean, it’s no consolation to be perma insta-squished, knowing that someone else is also enduring the same thing?

Well I also think the power differential is too big at the moment - People queueing for battlegrounds with 170 item level are just going to be crushed. Perhaps they should be scaled to a minimum - say 210?

Even with lower gear though, there are ways to be very useful. Focusing on CC’ing healers, disrupting a well-geared player’s burst window via stuns & slows, focusing on the objective etc. It’s a different mindset, but I think a weaker geared player can find ways to feel useful & enjoy themselves - particularly if each team has a similar average item level.

Let’s say 233.

Maybe you don’t realize this, but this kind of gameplay kills PvP.

PvP participation is at an all time low because of the gearing system.

I rather crush other players by being a better player, instead of letting my gear do the work for me.


You’re either the steamroller or getting steamrolled nowadays…

I miss queuing for Random BGs where, more often than not, the match could swing either way to the last minute and the games were actually a challenge for both sides whilst being enjoyable.

Templates had it’s flaws but, at least the ilvl gap wasn’t so prominent as it is now in deciding the outcome. Personally, I think it was a much better system than what we have now, because at least the player skill counted for something in determining the outcome.

The system we have now is just slowly killing interest in the casual pvp community, because most people don’t want to be farmed by better geared players on top of encountering premades.


It is insane how boring and broken the ilvl difference is in this game. Five minutes ago I qued for a skirmish (while it is not a battleground) we faced two 38k hp people, I had 57k and my teammate had 52k. I don’t think anyone of us dropped below 80% for the entire arena. It is not fun at all and I feel bad for my enemies having to outplay us 100x times to even stand a chance…

Things would be way more fun in the way you explained it where both sides were in most cases equal (depending on class balance etc ofc). My problem with scaling was the determined stats you got. I find it more fun if you can choose your gear - but one honor set and one conquest set is enough. Don’t limit everything behind exp either…

Level 51-59 is still playable, and generally where casual PvP still exists.

I haven’t touched level 60 PvP this expansion because it is 100% unplayable. Level 60 PvP only exists to enable and support boosting. Big $$$ for Blizztivision.

Why is it unplayable at 60? It’s fairly easy to reach 1600 rating, at which point you can acquire 249 PvP item level gear. That’s only 10 item levels below the highest PvP gear, which very few people have in BGs anyway.

It is not just the gearing system that makes it unplayable.

It is also the one-shotting, the lack of counterplay, boosting, and the fact that PvP itself is quite dead. Try finding a partner at low iLevel, you won’t succeed.

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