[Being polite, as usual]
[Irrelevant to the topic. Nothing to see here]
This is the most silent thread I have ever participated in Feels like in a library
I understood that reference!
[Conducts a wall of text ranting about how boosting ruins this game]
{Takes a single sentence from the wall out of context and uses it to belittle your preferred way of playing the game. And invalidated any further discussion because of your avatar having blond hair}
Does childish insult to demean you and pretend to be alpha.
Yuor hed to bigz for bdoy lulz
YuOr hEd to BigZ fOr bDoY lULz
[Applauds excellent burn]
[Rants about worst race having best racials]
[Generic response about how racials have no impact on the game. Mentions something about casual players Vs the 1%]
Links a youtube channel without any of own thoughts to destroy you .
Makes outraged response about said linked Youtuber being both a hate merchant and a sell-out shill. Infers that your argument is completely invalid based on your preference in YouTubers. Concludes with a spot of armoury stalking and suggests that you try something harder than LFR if you want to participate on the forums.
I no idea what to say i am in tears with laughing so hard well done hun
Were is your 400 mount achive scrub a dub tub
[Selectively quotes a developer from 10 years ago to prove post wrong]
[Implies stance on racials is fear of having own imba racials nerfed]
{Laments about how much better racials were in the original version of game, infers that your hamster is mentally challenged for liking the current version}
[Snide remark about how classic is there for losers like you who only care about the past. Request for boomers like you to stop trying to ruin our game. Inserts twitch emote to show young-and-hip-ness]
{Declares to be done with the thread, echo-chamber blah, get wrecked blee, wiggle wiggle boo}
[Refuses to let you have the last word so declares to also be done and tells you not to bother replying to me again]
[quotes single sentences out of context and gives countering comments to each, mostly missing the point of the original post]
[comes to the conclusion that the root of all evil is raider io]