[tries to prove you wrong, even though ive only played since legion]
[Makes point itâs just an Everquest ripoff anyway, classic fans should go play that instead]
BFA is the most alt friendly expac so far and corruption is the bestest eva gearing system in the whole wide world and BFA subs are at the highest since mid WOTLK !
[disagrees without reading post]
[ i deada$$ dont know how to respond to that]
Laughs in 12 alts, each with 460+ ilvl, 80+ neck level and bis corruptions
[Points out quoted poster is a troll and shill]
[Links to youtube video with unverified sources about BfAâs non-existent subscriber numbers]
[Flags for advertising]
[likes post anyways]
[comments something neutral]
[accuses you of boosting]
laughs at your 12 alts and responds with I have 20 x level 20 unlevelled allied races !! WITHOUT HEIRLOOMS !
Something something pvp vendor
[says something controversial about you]
[Hurr durr Classic nub]
[links 50 vendor threads]
Turn off all your addons and turn them on one at a time
I counter that by saying remove cache and WTF folders .
But itâs not a Elvui setting itâs in the default game settings!
[Replies sarcastically in Cyrillic native language] something something pointing out ironically CoC something something.
[Replies in disappointment that this wasnât a list of Twilunaâs best friends on the forums. Cries a little, but only on the inside.]
[Genuine statement of appreciation for fun thread and its posts]
[.png of your favourite fluffy animal, smiling]
Wtf, Rude a** barbiedoll
[senpai notices you]
[senpai feels bad]
[senpai appreciates everyone of you individually]
[acknowledging it, agrees wholeheartedly]
[some nonsensical furry rant]
[flags on 4 alts]
[Very long comment on how i am offended and canât take a joke]