[sits wondering what happend to the animated avatar you guys used to have]
You don’t get heritage when somewhere along the leveling you racechanged :C
Aaaah yeah no… but u have more vulpera u can level
Oooh even a shammy one
The shaman is my next adventure
We should go on adventure together!
[Creates plans for and ADVENTURE in my journal]
[makes joke about all the vulpera just being one players alts]
[states he doesnt talk to himself at least]
[sure you do]
[points out that alt posting is so last year ]
[grumbles about stupid people hoarding toilet paper so that normal people cannot get some for themselves, this one trying for a week now to get some…]
[stares at the last roll]
[Starts alt-posting]
[Remembers she made a thread dedicated to poster creating multiple threads with alts]
Something something haven’t seen that poster for a while something.
“Shadowlands will bring the dead back to life!”
[Speculates that this means that there will be no more playable undead of DKs after Shadowlands. Throws around wild conspiracy theories, probably tying back to appeasing the Chinese market somehow]
[laughs in 10 pack of TP bought this morning]
[States Blizzard wants to incorporate more ‘beautiful’ races to the Horde in order to increase their population]
[Accuses poster from being a Horde minion]
[Declares War to Horde players]
Something I cannot play the game because Horde filth everywhere something HORDE BIAS!
[Keeps replying ‘Horde bias’ ad infinitum]
So its you who hoard all the toilet paper!?!?? Shame! Shame! Shame!