What on hardcore? I’m going to try my best to get a toon to 60 (thinking dwarf pally, I want uber buffs to dish out to people)
Will this just be classic vanilla or also classic TBC and/or WotLK also? I really want to level a Horde paladin again but with added pressure and a balanced spec to do so.
Classic vanilla now, maybe TBC + WOTLK in the future no one knows.
Excited for this. Hc is the most fun I’ve had in wow for a long time.
no one is forcing you, vanilla ERA is permanent realms with no rat race or resets.
kk that’s cool but when are you going to do something about the bots issue?
Stratholme - mages, warlocks, hunters bots!
Dire Maul - mages, warlocks, hunters bots!
Zul’farrak - mages bots!
Is it global launch tomorrow?
24th Aug 23:00 BST/25th Aug 00:00 CEST. So the night from Thursday to Friday.
Whats the griefing potential in HC?
Like good old D2 ppl gathering crowds of mobs around your town portal.
I could imagine a Rogue in a dungeon pulling mobs, hit Vanish and chuckle while everyone else dies for example
Great… I do dislike it when companies do stuff like this. “Releasing on the 24th August! Except it’s at 23:00 so see you on the 25th!” Yeah cheers Blizz… Kinda disingenuous to say one day when essentially it’s the next.
I’m only moaning because I have a (coincidental) day off tomorrow so would have been perfect but unfortunately for me not on Friday.
They announced it would be global launch practically here:
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