Get New Character Customizations in Seeds of Renewal

Ohhh it is so good to be demon hunter with all this customization options!

You got updated Totems at least! Priests on the other hand have had the same ugly shield since Vanilla while other classes got theirs updated to use Shaders… D:

Very happy that Warlock pets getting some love. Those Darkglare customizations are sick!

Damn it Bliz, now I need to learn how to play it!

I really want the old shadow form with ravens too.

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Warlocks are getting all the love Blizzard can give.

New draenei and troll customizations are really interesting… :clown_face:

The whole way the shield works needs to be updated too and buffed to absorb alot more damage than Âą 50k. Would be nice to have a spell reflect ability on it too.

Demons customization looks like the work of an unpaid trainee who was asked by BLibli to color without going beyond the edges…

There are a bunch of awesome demons from Legion, (aranasi, mother of imps, pit lords, inquisitors…) but yet they took demonic form from Warlocks and gave them recolored-meh-demons :frowning:

Agree that they should implement new demon pets (models) and hope they will do it in the TWW. But for now, having a bit more options is nice too, comparing to all those years and 2 glyphs, at least they are doing something.

That Minion looks like my old head teacher…

So basically what Blizzard is really saying:

“We had our new unpaid interns recolour some skins, hair and one of them made a new model for the Tyrant (which you only cast every 1.5 minute and it appears for 15 second and you don’t really pay attention to it), so we’re releasing it, hoping that you’ll be really excited!”

The player base:… really?

HORNS, Blizzard, share the selectable HORNS between the 2 Draenei options!

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