☀ Get ready for this summer!

I’d love to have fans that give me air conditioning. I envision palm fronts.

Alas! I’m neither famous nor rich enough.

Cheap air conditioning, Put a tray of ice behind the fan, instant cool air, make sure you have something to catch the water.


I’ll make do with a wet towel dripping down the back.

That is, once it actually gets warm. Today, it has been snowing outside somehow ._.’

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Obviously novice ghetto AC craftsmen .
You want plastic 2l bottles for ice

yeah and cold drinks. im pretty addicted to iced drinks no matter the season lol.

Was snowing here too. Blue sky, no clouds and it was snowing. But since its 2020, I have stopped being surprised over any weird thing that happens.


I cant even do 1 pushup, my mom asked a Pediatric doctor when i was little and she said I was born with weak back muscles that will stay like that for the rest of my life. No amount of exercise and physical therapy cured it, only made me last 5 seconds longer half way through the push-up :sob:
Guess I already lost the challenge

I think me helping move furniture and other things working better than me trying to move my corpus in ways that’ll make any on-looker seasick.

We need an alternative for the casual players so…

  • Each Mythic+ death = 1 cookie
  • Each Mythic+ depleted = a bowl of ice-cream
  • Each Raid mechanic fail = Pizza (at least 2 slices)
  • Each fail interrupt = Alcohol

I think my challenge is easier for the casuals to achieve Destrarion :wink:


Damn that mean i can’t fail interrumpt more than 1 time without being drunk :joy: !


So basically you want me to commit suicide? Noted…

This challenge suits me MUCH better :smirk:

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Now this is a challenge that I will gladly accept! It means I will be eating cookies, ice cream & pizza pretty much non-stop :laughing: :yum:


Fine with me. I don’t do mythic+ or raids anyway. :innocent:

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That’s a cool challenge but I’ll pass.

Sounds like a recipe for


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